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Forum > Position Talk > O Line Club > Showboat blocker VA?
Rolling Roadblock (Lv. 25 G)
Ht/Wt: 6'2", 330lbs

Veteran Points: 2
Next Level: 21/1000

Physical Attributes
Strength: 94.57(73.57)all items, inc custom str.
Speed: 20
Agility: 50.82
Jumping: 8
Stamina: 27.82
Vision: 23.82
Confidence: 30.57

Football Skills
Blocking: 69.57
Catching: 10
Tackling: 15.82
Throwing: 10
Carrying: 8
Kicking: 8
Punting: 8

Special Abilities
Pass Blocking Abilities (+1 from custom)
Pass Block: 2(1)
Strong Arm: 2(1)
Shock Block: 2(1)
Foundation: 1
Absorb Pain: 1

Run Blocking Abilities
Run Block: 1
Get Low: 1
Hands: 1
Cut Block: 2
Pancake: 4(1) 3 from AEQ

i know i spent on SA too early... it was one of my first builds, so dont shoot me on that, we all make a few mistakes.

i just need some help with my first two VA points.
i looked at both pass blocker and goal line blocker, both would be reasonably useful(though not sure which would be best). my dilemma is, do i go with showboat blocker because of the number of pancakes he gets? is it noticeable the morale drop it gives out?

to save you having to look. 116 pancakes from 9 games.
Edited by bigg987 on Jul 6, 2009 18:31:46
For Gs I like pass blocker or down field blocker if he has some speed. Most guards are not ready for speed at level 25 so that can probably wait. Showboat blocker sounds good if you get a good amount of pancakes. I have never used it so I do not know about its value.
i am puting points into agility now and will do so upto 68. i would like to bring both speed and his vision up, but i am unsure as the best way to do that. any suggestions would be appreciated also.

back to the original problem though. having no experience of any of them, i really am at a complete loss. i am drawn towards showboat, but would steer clear if someone with experience of it says it is a waste of time and take pass blocker as the safe bet.
ive been putting my points into showboat blocker (up to 7), my level 28 G has 130 cakes on the season. my major stats are all within a couple points of yours and level 12 pancakes (i have 3 pieces of AE with pancake ability) and im at 35 speed (i was playing a lot of ST 2 seasons ago so i trained it). i think its good for padding stats because i seem to get more pancakes late in blowout games (50 is my record this season), but i usually dont get more than 5-10 against good teams so it probably doesnt do a lot for me against them.
Edited by mnvikes8484 on Jul 7, 2009 10:14:16
Originally posted by mnvikes8484
ive been putting my points into showboat blocker (up to 7), my level 28 G has 130 cakes on the season. my major stats are all within a couple points of yours and level 12 pancakes (i have 3 pieces of AE with pancake ability) and im at 35 speed (i was playing a lot of ST 2 seasons ago so i trained it). i think its good for padding stats because i seem to get more pancakes late in blowout games (50 is my record this season), but i usually dont get more than 5-10 against good teams so it probably doesnt do a lot for me against them.

its not the stat padding i am interested in tbh. it was more that i thought i would use the fact that i do get pancakes to demoralise the guy i am facing. if in fact it doesnt do what it say on the tin then perhaps pass blocker is better.

i still cant get my head around the best training plan either...
From what I can tell, if you get pancakes regularly, say more than 6 a game showboat is pretty decent. It will get you more pancakes, because it demoralizes guys so there are 2 reasons to get it. Guards got the short end of the stick for VAs, especially if you play RG. A lot of guys will take the +.5% boost to blocking with Great Blocker if your natural blocking is high. Say you max out Great Blocker and your natural blocking is 75, you will get 5.625 more blocking with it.
Originally posted by catcher_0_3
From what I can tell, if you get pancakes regularly, say more than 6 a game showboat is pretty decent. It will get you more pancakes, because it demoralizes guys so there are 2 reasons to get it. Guards got the short end of the stick for VAs, especially if you play RG. A lot of guys will take the +.5% boost to blocking with Great Blocker if your natural blocking is high. Say you max out Great Blocker and your natural blocking is 75, you will get 5.625 more blocking with it.

thats the thing. i either get a shed load of pancakes say 20+ in a game or i get one or two. i think the guys i am pancaking a load, must already be demoralised, it is the ones where it is tough i am looking to create an advantage, so maybe the one or two pancakes if early enough reduce their morale and i gain the upper hand. maybe i am worrying about it too much. still unsure which way to go.
It's very useful for special teamers, actually. The pancakes don't get counted towards your total, but Bort's said they still have the morale effect.

The 20 pancake games, you'll win anyway. You should average at least 4 in games decided by under 100 before investing in it.
thanks for everyone's suggestions. i decided to go with pass blocker. i dont think i get enough pancakes against good teams to justify showboat at this time. the times when i get them in large numbers the morale damage is already done. i will also train speed/stamina and alternate with vis/conf as i cant s a better way of doing it.
I run SB on my RG and RT, they both start and play ST. My tackle gets a decent number of pancakes even against good teams and on the STs they are always knocking peeps on their behinds. Moral plays a larger role than most give it credit.

Pass blocker is always a decent choice also. Honestly for the o-line, I find that a lot of the VAs are, how do I put it, useless. Great blocker is the most useful I think, followed by passblocker/showboat, depending on how your team uses you. Oh, and of course for C there is Natural Leader, which I like. I don't know how well it works, but I like to think that Line General is useful.

I am flirting with the idea of going with WW for my C and right side of the line. I don't think outside blocker is worth it for the amount my RG is outside the tackle and since we have always had success running the ball (MVP powerback) I think it might be worth it for the high strength right side. Even at 0.3% it would give +5 to my C, +3 to my RG and RT, and is always active. Still undecided.
Edited by ColeWestgate on Jul 8, 2009 06:04:44
showboat blocker is only good if you get pancakes against PLAYOFF CALIBER TEAMS. Who cares about the cupcakes you demolish, you'd win anyway. Believe this was said already.

IF you are getting pancakes, then load it up.

In my experience, this is most useful in the level 25-35 range. Then pancakes really slow down, so you can use the reset on it down the road for a better option.
Of course good advice from Oct. I think pass blocker was a good choice. Get that maxed and then around level 40 if you are getting good numbers of pancakes against quality opponents, consider showboat again.
Originally posted by bigg987
Originally posted by catcher_0_3

From what I can tell, if you get pancakes regularly, say more than 6 a game showboat is pretty decent. It will get you more pancakes, because it demoralizes guys so there are 2 reasons to get it. Guards got the short end of the stick for VAs, especially if you play RG. A lot of guys will take the +.5% boost to blocking with Great Blocker if your natural blocking is high. Say you max out Great Blocker and your natural blocking is 75, you will get 5.625 more blocking with it.

thats the thing. i either get a shed load of pancakes say 20+ in a game or i get one or two. i think the guys i am pancaking a load, must already be demoralised, it is the ones where it is tough i am looking to create an advantage, so maybe the one or two pancakes if early enough reduce their morale and i gain the upper hand. maybe i am worrying about it too much. still unsure which way to go.

yeah thats what i was trying to say, a little dent in moral against a good team where you only get 5 pancakes probably doesnt do that much but when you get 30 or 40 a game it probably helps a lot

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