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Forum > LB Club > Rate My LB > Lvl 44LB looking for some advice
Stop you in Your Tracks (Lv. 44 LB)
Ht/Wt: 6'0", 249lbs

Experience, Skill Points, and Cash
Money: $354488
Daily Salary: $5201
Skill Points: 0
Training Points: 2
Bonus Tokens: 22
Veteran Points: 0
Next Level: 797/1000

Physical Attributes
Strength: 54.22
Speed: 82.79
Agility: 63.25
Jumping: 42.51
Stamina: 49.32
Vision: 60.64
Confidence: 41.03

Football Skills
Blocking: 18.51
Catching: 20.51
Tackling: 51.42
Throwing: 8
Carrying: 8
Kicking: 8
Punting: 10

Special Abilities
Hard Hitter Abilities
Snarl: 1
Aura of Intimidation: 1
Diving Tackle: 1
Monster Hit: 2
Defense General: 0

Pass Rusher Abilities
Trash Talk: 4
The Glare: 5
Shed Blocks: 9
Swat Ball: 3
Big Sack: 5

Veteran Abilities
Quick: 6
Workout Warrior: 5
Fearsome: 14
Red Zone Freak: 10

speed, agility, and strength should be your priorities
vision very important

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