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Forum > O Line Club > Rate My O Lineman > LVL 16 Slow-build LT....should I start over?
This was the second player I created in GLB. I envisioned him being a LT when I began, but looking at his build now, I am not sure if he is salvageable. Should I start from scratch, and if so, what should I look to do to slow-build a fixture LT in the future? Thanks!
Honestly, yeah, start over. You didn't really slow build that since a true slow build(or what one is to me at least) would have taken blocking to 68 or 74 to start off with. Then Strength or agility to the same level.
I think it's fine, just a tad screwed up. Blocking isn't any more beneficial than strength and agility. I'd say finish blocking, then cap strength, then third cap agility, then strength. Then vision, then speed. He'll still be able to block most pass rushers.

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