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I am a lvl 17 ROT working my way through the minor leagues. I am in my second season, and hoping someone with more experience in building an OT can help me out. I am really good at being able to protect the QB when the DE rushed to the outside. My problem is that when the DE does an inside move, my guy can't catch up. Is this a problem that will get bettter as I continue to improve his agility? Should I go ahead and start working on his vision early? I hope someone can help. I need to try to get this fixed before every DC in my leauge figures this out (hopefully this post won't be read my any of them ) I appreciate any help I get.
Well, lucky for you nobody can control this move to the inside. All OTs tend to lose to this move. I suggest building with long term goals in mind. I like to get my OTs strength, blocking, and agility to 68 w/o eq first then work on their vision, speed, and confidence.

Good luck.
Originally posted by AngryDragon
Well, lucky for you nobody can control this move to the inside. All OTs tend to lose to this move. I suggest building with long term goals in mind. I like to get my OTs strength, blocking, and agility to 68 w/o eq first then work on their vision, speed, and confidence.

Good luck.

Right. Don't worry about how you do at level 17. If your team is passing a lot at level 17, tell them to run more... really... now is the time your OT should be pancaking the DEs nonstop, running at level 1-24 is VERY effective

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