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Forum > O Line Club > Rate My O Lineman > How to spend 20 SPs for a lvl 20 RG?
Physical Attributes Football Skills
Strength: 77.71 Blocking: 55.71
Speed: 18 Tackling: 14.75
Agility: 32.75 Throwing: 8
Jumping: 8 Catching: 10
Stamina: 26.84 Carrying: 9
Vision: 26.04 Kicking: 9
Confidence: 26.71 Punting: 10

This is with eq. Should I dump them all in Str (+7), go +4 in both Str and Blk, or do something else? Any and all input appreciated.
Put them all in Str until it hits 68 raw.

Then switch to Blk and do the same.

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