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kk i like my AEQ i have two pieces with Return S. and one with break tackle %
just wondering if my return S goes over the 10 will it help or should i nerf one of those RS AEQS?
TJ Spikes
Craziest thing I have ever heard.

AEQ is good because of bonus tokens. You can only earn 16 tokens in a 40 day season, and it takes 8 tokens to do 1 upgrade--so you only get 2 upgrades ever 40 days. Basically at most, you could have 2 half upgraded pieces or 1 fully upgraded piece.

From where you are, I'd say your best move is to sell back one of the RS pieces and buy normal EQ for that slot. Upgrade your 1 RS piece as much as possible, and if you happen to build up 8 extra tokens (because of level limits) you can dump them into your BT% piece. I'd keep that BT% piece on the shelf though, and until it's close to maxed out I'd be using a normal EQ in that slot too.

I didn't choose to do anything like that for my build though.

First of all, as a CB you don't really "break tackles" you avoid them. a % Fake piece would be a much better choice if you want a % based item as your second choice. Secondly, the only reason you'd want a RS piece is so you could save skill points on the RS SA. You'd then spend those skill points on base attributes instead.

Just a little FYI, SAs have what's called diminishing returns. What that means is that after you hit 10, every point after that gives less benefit than the one before it. Like going from 9 to 10 gives a good boost. Going from 10 to 11 gives less of a boost. Going from 11-12 gives even less of a boost. Going from say, 16 to 17 would give a very tiny boost. So technically it would help to go "over the 10", but there are probably better ways you can spend your resources (bonus tokens and skill points) that would help your player even more.

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