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Forum > Position Talk > O Line Club > How about my lvl 40 LG?
What do you guys think I should do next? speed, strength, or SA's higher? If SA's, which ones?

Physical Attributes
Strength: (74.55) 86.55
Speed: 39
Agility: 68.06
Jumping: 8
Stamina: 42.06
Vision: 50.06
Confidence: 51.55

Football Skills
Blocking: (73.55) 86.55
Catching: 8
Tackling: 18.06
Throwing: 8
Carrying: 9
Kicking: 9
Punting: 8

Special Abilities
Pass Blocking Abilities
Pass Block: 1
Strong Arm: 1
Shock Block: 3
Foundation: 1
Absorb Pain: 1

Run Blocking Abilities
Run Block: 2
Get Low: 2
Hands: 2
Cut Block: 2
Pancake: 2

Veteran Abilities
Great Blocker: 2
Pass Blocker: 10
Showboat Blocker: 5
Personally I am building a left guard. I did the math and it should take me 12 levels to get foundation to 11 with AE, run block to 11 with AE, and get low to 9 w/o AE. So my plan is to start on SAs at level 48 so I should finish by level 60.

I guess my point is to figure out which SAs you want t odefine your player. Then figure out how many levels it will take to get the SAs where you want them to be. That should let you know how long you have to continue building your player before starting on SAs.

If I were you I would cap speed and stamina. Thats just my opinon.
Been looking for foundation, but haven't even found a +1 Foundation with no attributes all offseason.

You need to cap stamina even if your team uses a 98/99 energy setting?
For your guard I'd suggest confidence to 68 and stamina to 50....but if you have a good owner I'd see if you could get the EQ re-distibuted.
Why do you say confidence to 68???? That seems really high.

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