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Forum > LB Club > Rate My LB > Rate my LB pls

Gonna stop working on speed, SP agi to 60. train str and vision. That sound right?
no more points into SA, pick either tackling or vision and cap one asap after agi.
Edited by Darren McFadden on Jun 10, 2009 11:19:08
yeah, the SA points were by accident when i was drinking...damn that jack. But yeah, so tackling over strength? this is my first character, so i may be quite noobish, but i've been trying to read up on stuff. Thanks for the help.
I see you've begun to build the hard-hitter SA tree. Does that mean you're building an MLB? If so, once you've triple-capped agility, you need to immediately begin tackling/strength. You should be training them on intense right now as you build agility. If I'm being honest, you have kind of a goofy build, but before you go ANY further you need to decide which route you're taking the build (OLB/MLB).

Don't you dare say you're going for a "balanced" approach. "Balanced" LBs are fail, and find themselves mired deep down on the Depth Charts at all levels of play. MLBs need to be very strong and great tacklers, and very agile. SA's in hard hitting tree, focusing on building defense general. OLB's need to be very fast/agile/high vis.

So choose a route, and go from there.
Yeah, like i said the SA's were a dunk accident. i want to me a LOLB. That's why my str is so low, and my speed is so high. I suppose i could change to MLB, to be honest it really doesn't matter to me.

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