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Forum > Position Talk > O Line Club > My first O-Linemen, my first slow build players...
I have a TE/K/FB, retired DE all lvl 50+, but I've never slow built anyone.

I have a new Guard and a new Tackle. I got 8's in ALL unneccessary skills except punting, each got a 9 in it That's life.

I have a few questions and with my searching I haven't found a lot of answers -- granted, my searching abilities are limited, as I'm at work and I am skimming around posts.

Is there somewhere I can see the caps for each ability by position?

Also, do I train STR/Blocking for each of them first? And if so, when do I stop - the first soft cap?

I will have many more questions, I'm sure, but if you can answer outright, or point me in the direction of some info (I've read the stickies here) I'd be grateful.
Oh, and do I put STR into *ALL* of my gear pieces?
Here are the ability softcaps, if that is what you were looking for (they are the same for all positions):

As for the G, make sure that you take both Str and Blk up to 68 raw with SP as soon as possible and it will be a good start. Train them this offseason but when you start to level up, and can hit the caps, throw points into them and train something else.

Below is a build guide for a ROT which is worth considering as you build your player. All credit goes to Octowned for this.

As for the gear, I'd put it in Str or Blk. How you want to distribute it is up to you.

Originally posted by Octowned

Balanced ROT build guide

The goal of this guide is to make optimal use of training strategy and slowbuild style to get a balanced ROT build in your level 40s. The advantage of this build strategy is that you will perform well throughout your career also, OTs lend themselves well to the entire slowbuild process, outside of speed; around level 30-40, you may lose effectiveness with low speed in pass blocking. Thus, I would prefer this build plan on a run-heavy team. But hey, that's certainly a viable option for a good ROT.

1) Roll a player with as low of agility and confidence as you can, while maintaining all 8s. Don't worry about the Strength and Block, you'll have plenty of time to train them.
-agility gets extra training time, and confidence is the last stop. you want these low for extra value!

2) Train Strength + Blocking. At level 6, cap Strength to 49.
- based on how the decimals move, the optimal cap times are level 3 or 6. With 0.4 level gains, I prefer the extra training time.
- don't forget about the "fill-bar" trick. Get the training bar to 95% and leave it there. When you cap an attribute for the FINAL TIME, fill the bar. I wont mention this again

3) Train Blocking + Agility. At level 8, cap Blocking to 48.8
- this cap time is again based on the decimals.
- you should have spent about 24 SP on strength and 21 SP on blocking. You should have about 5 SP left-over.

4) Train Agility + Vision. At level 11, Spend SP in Strength to 61.0
level 8: 49.8 + 5 SP
level 9: 50.2 + 10 SP
level 10: 50.6 + 15 SP
level 11: 51.0 + 20 SP - spend to 61.0

5) Train Agility + Vision. At level 15, Spend SP in Blocking to 60.6
level 11: 50 + 0 SP
level 12: 50.4 + 5 SP
level 13: 50.8 + 10 SP
level 14: 51.2 + 15 SP
level 15: 51.6 + 20 SP - spend to 60.6 + 2 SP

6) Train Agility + Vision. At level 18, Spend SP in Strength to 68.8
level 15: 62.6 + 2 SP
level 16: 63 + 7 SP
level 17: 63.4 + 12 SP
level 18: 63.8 + 17 SP - spend to 68.8 + 2 SP

7) Train Agility + Vision. At level 21, spend SP in Blocking to 68.0
level 18: 61.8 + 2 SP
level 19: 62.2 + 7 SP
level 20: 62.6 + 12 SP
level 21: 63 + 17 SP - spend to 68 + 2 SP

8) Use the bar trick on Strength and Blocking.
current build:
Strength: 71
Blocking: 69
Agility: ~25-30
Vision: ~25-30
Stamina: ~20
Confidence: ~20
Speed: 8-10

9) Train Agility + Vision until they are both at 30-33. Spend SP in both to the 49 cap.
approximate level: 29

10) Train Confidence + Stamina. Spend SP in Agility to 61.
approximate level: 33

11) Train Confidence + Stamina until they are at 30-33. Spend SP in Confidence to 49.
- At this point, natural gains on Agility, Vision and Confidence are down to .23. I realize rushing agility to 68 is a good option rather than my plan that gets confidence and vision up instead, but I'm going to use agility at 61 as a training node, and as a balanced ROT I don't agree with needing to rush agility up at this point.
approximate level: 37

12) Train Speed + Agility, or Speed on normal to shop. Spend SP in Stamina to 49.
- I believe Stamina is huge for the o-line. You are still getting great Stamina gains for your career, too.
approximate level: 40

13) Train Speed + Agility, or Speed on normal to shop. Spend SP in Speed to 49.
approximate level: 43

14) Train Vision + Confidence, Stamina + Confidence, Speed + Agility, Agility + Vision, or Strength + Blocking.
Remaining options: SAs, Agility to 68, other minors to 60. I recommend the first two, they can be done by level 50, which is where I end this build plan.

SA analysis:
My personal opinion for SAs is as follows:
Pass Block Tree: If you're having trouble in pass protection, just give yourself agility and speed via SP, equip, or VPs. I'm not having trouble with the above build, so I don't recommend it. Remember this build is for a run supporting ROT.
Run Block: Not great, but use as a prereq
Get Low: Great if you run off tackle a lot.
Hands: Great in general, especially if you capped stamina and are getting a lot of snaps.
Cut Block: Not needed
Pancake: I find this is not needed for pancakes, they just come on their own.

AEQ Guide:
-I'd find something with either Get Low or Hands.
-I'd find another piece with a +% hold block chance. Even just +5% on its own as a piece is fine once upgraded.
-If you get Quick Cut, try to find two pieces so you can get it to 8 by level 40.

VA Guide:
-15 toward strength, 15 toward blocking, 15 toward agility. Stats are most important in a slowbuild, and the other stuff for an OT isn't great anyway.

-I'd do 3 pieces on strength and 1 on block.
-At level 40, you have 30 equip points to split including custom.
-I will say 20 on strength, 10 on blocking for the following build projection

Level 50 build, including VA, AEQ, Custom, and normal equip up to level 40.
Strength: 110
Blocking: 100
Agility: 68+
Speed: 49
Stamina: 55
Vision: 55
Confidence: 55
SAs: 5-9-9-1-1 on the bottom tree
+17% Hold Block Chance or 8 quick cut

Remember, this is more of a methods guide to how to obtain a balanced build. There are many other types of ROT you may want to build. This may give up a few hurries and sacks in a season. But if your team wants to run 70% off of you, have fun, defense, you aren't getting off of this OT.

I'd change that guide a bit now that VAs have changed. You'll want to take strength to natural 73 in step 6. Also, I'd take agility straight to 68 in step 10.

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