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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #2 > Still another advantage for the "haves" - no chemstry on roster cuts
Its not enough that recruiting as a AAA or Pro level team allowed you to stock up with 50-60-70 players to make your depth ridiculous.. now that they have implemented a still-too-generous 55 man limit, they won't get chemistry hits for dropping players to get to 55

Ahk.. maybe its fair.. but reading the ads in the market place saying they will only sign with AAA or Pro level teams has me p-offed..

When you can start cutting players again tomorrow, cutting players when you are above 55 players will not incur a chemistry penalty, so that those of you who have huge rosters can get cut down to the new limit of 55. When you drop below 56 players, it will start costing chemistry again. The cut page will show how much chemistry you will lose by cutting the player.

Originally posted by thorpemark
reading the ads in the market place saying they will only sign with AAA or Pro level teams has me p-offed..

its like that every season, and most of them have horrible builds

be patient, and a lot of those guys will still be looking for a team next week :-)
Edited by Magneto on Jun 4, 2009 03:54:10
I had only 3 WRs for much of this season.

Undefeated even up to week 6 or so, I was still offering free agent WRs the starting job, gear funds, top salaries.. and they were still saying no.. waiting for an offer from a AAA or better. I got the same nonsense from DEs I wanted.. recruiting for a starting slot. Same for LBs. For a staring SS, I had to trade a WR early in the season (leaving me with 3).

Its just ridiculous having to spend so much time recruiting only to get rejected over and over, largely because we're not in AAA or Pro level leagues.

This did not happen before the announcement of special rewards for MVP and so on in those leagues.

This is like most MMOs.. catering to the "elite", despite the fact that the "elite" just got here before the rest of us for the most part.
when i really needed something for USB i just traded for it
Originally posted by sharkey28
when i really needed something for USB i just traded for it

same here

I signed maybe 2-3 guys over level 50 from the market

most everyone I got we traded for at some point

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