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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #8 > Manhattan Massacre
Well guys we are pretty much re-booting. Not so much having a fire sale and blowing the team up. But we are getting rid of alot of our players. For the last few seasons our team has been filled with alot of players that don't actively particiapte with the team and the only time you hear from them is for EQ money and then they whine and cmplain when they can't get the full amount because of the cost.

So essentially what I'll be doing with the team is keeping all the players that want to stay through this time and then starting from scratch with the positions that need to be filled. And with the re-alligning that is about to happen I don't know if we will still be in this league. But I just wanted to say it's been great playing with you guys, and if we don't stay in this league when it's all said and done, good luck to all of you.

Also I will miss having Texans picks to read and also his power rankings.
Sorry to hear you have to do that but it sounds like its for the best. Good Luck
Texan DTD
Originally posted by Wayne8223
Well guys we are pretty much re-booting. Not so much having a fire sale and blowing the team up. But we are getting rid of alot of our players. For the last few seasons our team has been filled with alot of players that don't actively particiapte with the team and the only time you hear from them is for EQ money and then they whine and cmplain when they can't get the full amount because of the cost.

So essentially what I'll be doing with the team is keeping all the players that want to stay through this time and then starting from scratch with the positions that need to be filled. And with the re-alligning that is about to happen I don't know if we will still be in this league. But I just wanted to say it's been great playing with you guys, and if we don't stay in this league when it's all said and done, good luck to all of you.

Also I will miss having Texans picks to read and also his power rankings.

Sorry to hear that but I am glad you enjoyed the picks. I'll probably reprise them wherever Maine ends up.
Hopefully we wont fall to far away and even stay in the league with you Texan.
Well, we are going to go the slow build route. So if you guys are interested in any of the players, contact them, or let me know so we can work out a trade.

I will take cash, or I will take any lower level players that you guys have that don't mind being on a re-building team.
Also I would love it if I could keep my QB in this league with you guys. So if anyone is interested in him, let me know either in this thread or in a PM. Essentially I wouldn't need a signing bonus, just enough to cover my training which I believe the minimum salary does.

I would prefer to start though if that's possible.
Devon Wright
I have a LB if anyone is interested in me.
I am worried about where the Grizzlies will go, I would hate to be moved to another region, being in USA since season 2, but heck, I guess if we can't ever win to get moved up, maybe it's time for a change, in case we do get moved, want to wish you all the best of luck!

I also have a private forum, some of you are already in, let me know if you woudl like an invite!
Devon Wright
I opened my build for all of you that sent me PMs about my LB.
Originally posted by Devon Wright
I opened my build for all of you that sent me PMs about my LB.

Just looked and it is closed
Devon Wright
My mistake, I forgot to hit the update button.

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