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Great game. Congrats.
Thank you good luck to you guys next season in AA maybe we can make this a yearly Championship game!!
I just wanted to make one final post on this whole thing

Support actually PMd me back saying that vets did actually request to be demoted, not moved laterally, but down

I just lost all respect you had gained liar....

quotes from Vets:

"woke up one day and here I was LOL. We are not to worried about it we will win our way back up to AAA this season."

"As for asking to be regulated that is not try I asked if we could get moved out of our league and I was thinking we would get moved somewhere like South America AAA ro somewhere along those lines. I did not ask to get sent to AA and if you have a problem with me being moved here you should take it up with Bort and tech support since they are the ones that moved me here and apparently thought our team was not to high leveled to be here."

"I did not ask to be demoted you stupid fucks I asked to be switched to a different Country and it was because a bunch of freinds of mine and myself all have teams in Oceania so I wanted to switch out of it so we would not have to worry about it later. As for us being a playoff team last year if you have a problem with it contact the people who run this fucking site they make the decisions. It is not like they HAVE to move a team just beacause it is requested."

fabulous times, entertainment at its finest
oh well Im outty
Edited by gameface25 on Jun 4, 2009 19:02:06
Originally posted by gameface25
I just wanted to make one final post on this whole thing

Support actually PMd me back saying that vets did actually request to be demoted, not moved laterally, but down

I just lost all respect you had gained liar....

quotes from Vets:

"woke up one day and here I was LOL. We are not to worried about it we will win our way back up to AAA this season."

"As for asking to be regulated that is not try I asked if we could get moved out of our league and I was thinking we would get moved somewhere like South America AAA ro somewhere along those lines. I did not ask to get sent to AA and if you have a problem with me being moved here you should take it up with Bort and tech support since they are the ones that moved me here and apparently thought our team was not to high leveled to be here."

"I did not ask to be demoted you stupid fucks I asked to be switched to a different Country and it was because a bunch of freinds of mine and myself all have teams in Oceania so I wanted to switch out of it so we would not have to worry about it later. As for us being a playoff team last year if you have a problem with it contact the people who run this fucking site they make the decisions. It is not like they HAVE to move a team just beacause it is requested."

fabulous times, entertainment at its finest
oh well Im outty

Just wanted to respond to this. Complete BS and you know it stop being a poor sport and a bad loser. Also just to get it out I have again asked Tech for a Region Transfer to South America, Canada, USA, or Africa for next season so that my team and my wifes teams are not both in Oceania.
what is BS about it? please explain, point out one thing I have said that isn't true

Id post the PM from support basically calling you a liar, but its against the rules. I did however paraphrase it. YOU ASKED TO BE DEMOTED
Edited by vetsgt02 on Jun 5, 2009 20:21:57
I believe game face because he has a cooler avatar

yeah I know I spam...
Originally posted by Riachachi
I believe game face because he has a cooler avatar

yeah I know I spam...

Originally posted by Bert28
Originally posted by Riachachi

I believe game face because he has a cooler avatar

yeah I know I spam...



this forum is dead...
Thats because we're busy recruiting =P
Originally posted by SandShock
Thats because we're busy recruiting =P

so you can't take 1 minute out of recruiting to slander somebody on the forums?
I would have thought you guys get enough abuse, but yea i wanna spend that time getting talent to finally actually beat DaytonHaven't beaten you since the Zeta finals.

That trophy sure is sweet though

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