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Originally posted by eb45
I own an undefeated team, OC another, and have players on a third. So I think I know a little bit about this game, and you... need to shut up.

It comes directly from this comment. Bragging that you have an undefeated BBB team is like saying you are the brightest of the kids with a 40 IQ....... LOL

In the end I am just busting his balls. Bragging about anything like that is stupid IMHO.
Originally posted by Boltz

yeah, sounds good to me,lol, also i need a fresh start with new people

The second you open your mouth and start making posts, you'll get the same shit from them that you did from us.

You are a dumb ass and no matter where you go, nothing will change.

I am however, glad you are leaving Canada.

Good riddance.

Edited by Sulfadias0 on Jun 2, 2009 21:24:28
Goat Father
I will say one thing no one has ever heard me say I know much of anything about this game I hardly ever argue with anyone but Boltz has been my nice guy cryptonite. just reading his posts most of the time has me scratching my head as to how a person has so little common courtesy for others then when he changes his story around like ten times to try to get people to agree with him or see his point and usually he has no point. but the game needs dipsticks like him it keeps the forum fun I know of a bunch of times I couldn't wait to see what dirkdolan, rickey P or LXA even Boltz had written for the day just to get some laughs.

Now onto my second thought rellascout I have the utmost respect for you and your team but in all honesty if you would have won the championship this season no one would have tried to cheapen it by saying it is only A ball. I do jobs for both AAA, Pro, AA and BBB leagues and I will totally honest this league is as tough to gameplan for as the freaking PRO team I OC for. I don't see how you can try to cheapen winning a championship it just isn't cool. No matter if you were trying to make a point or not. I won a conference championship this season as a OC and DC of a BBB team we lost in the championship game due to us facing a team that should have been in the A league all season. and I don't see a huge difference in that championship and any other championship I could have won this season. that is just my 2 cents
Originally posted by hatchman

Now onto my second thought rellascout I have the utmost respect for you and your team but in all honesty if you would have won the championship this season no one would have tried to cheapen it by saying it is only A ball. I do jobs for both AAA, Pro, AA and BBB leagues and I will totally honest this league is as tough to gameplan for as the freaking PRO team I OC for. I don't see how you can try to cheapen winning a championship it just isn't cool. No matter if you were trying to make a point or not. I won a conference championship this season as a OC and DC of a BBB team we lost in the championship game due to us facing a team that should have been in the A league all season. and I don't see a huge difference in that championship and any other championship I could have won this season. that is just my 2 cents

I am not cheapening anything. My point was and still is that those who brag about knowledge rarely have it at the level they claim. You can look at my profile. You can see how many teams I GM. Most of those are not honorary titles. They are not trophy getters. We have played against each other for a long time now. Have you ever seen me claim to know anything? Have you ever seen me brag about my personal players? My builds etc? NEVER NOT ONCE.

I would never tell anyone here or on any forum that I know what I am doing. I am learning how to play the game and to be honest approach it with humble attitude.

Goat Father
Originally posted by rellascout
Originally posted by hatchman

Now onto my second thought rellascout I have the utmost respect for you and your team but in all honesty if you would have won the championship this season no one would have tried to cheapen it by saying it is only A ball. I do jobs for both AAA, Pro, AA and BBB leagues and I will totally honest this league is as tough to gameplan for as the freaking PRO team I OC for. I don't see how you can try to cheapen winning a championship it just isn't cool. No matter if you were trying to make a point or not. I won a conference championship this season as a OC and DC of a BBB team we lost in the championship game due to us facing a team that should have been in the A league all season. and I don't see a huge difference in that championship and any other championship I could have won this season. that is just my 2 cents

I am not cheapening anything. My point was and still is that those who brag about knowledge rarely have it at the level they claim. You can look at my profile. You can see how many teams I GM. Most of those are not honorary titles. They are not trophy getters. We have played against each other for a long time now. Have you ever seen me claim to know anything? Have you ever seen me brag about my personal players? My builds etc? NEVER NOT ONCE.

I would never tell anyone here or on any forum that I know what I am doing. I am learning how to play the game and to be honest approach it with humble attitude.

I fully agree with this statement but I think what EB was trying to say to boltz was the importance of good gameplanning and quality GM's. I don't think he was as much bragging as he was stating his credintials which as you know we all have to do at times when someone either tries to get us to GM or we are trying to GM a certain team. I will be the first to tell you I am still learning each and everyday on this game and still have a ton to learn. But I can also say that I have had alot of people ask for my help from helping with builds to actually running someone else's team and everything in between. I have a couple of token GM roles but even with those I helpout with whatever the owner asks of me whether it be just fill in as a OC or DC while the regular guys are on vacation or something. I can understand what you are saying to the fullest extent and I am not being argumentative by no means I just saw that this thread could be construde a couple different ways and I wanted everyone to possibly see the different aspects of what was said.
Originally posted by hatchman
Originally posted by rellascout

Originally posted by hatchman

Now onto my second thought rellascout I have the utmost respect for you and your team but in all honesty if you would have won the championship this season no one would have tried to cheapen it by saying it is only A ball. I do jobs for both AAA, Pro, AA and BBB leagues and I will totally honest this league is as tough to gameplan for as the freaking PRO team I OC for. I don't see how you can try to cheapen winning a championship it just isn't cool. No matter if you were trying to make a point or not. I won a conference championship this season as a OC and DC of a BBB team we lost in the championship game due to us facing a team that should have been in the A league all season. and I don't see a huge difference in that championship and any other championship I could have won this season. that is just my 2 cents

I am not cheapening anything. My point was and still is that those who brag about knowledge rarely have it at the level they claim. You can look at my profile. You can see how many teams I GM. Most of those are not honorary titles. They are not trophy getters. We have played against each other for a long time now. Have you ever seen me claim to know anything? Have you ever seen me brag about my personal players? My builds etc? NEVER NOT ONCE.

I would never tell anyone here or on any forum that I know what I am doing. I am learning how to play the game and to be honest approach it with humble attitude.

I fully agree with this statement but I think what EB was trying to say to boltz was the importance of good gameplanning and quality GM's. I don't think he was as much bragging as he was stating his credintials which as you know we all have to do at times when someone either tries to get us to GM or we are trying to GM a certain team. I will be the first to tell you I am still learning each and everyday on this game and still have a ton to learn. But I can also say that I have had alot of people ask for my help from helping with builds to actually running someone else's team and everything in between. I have a couple of token GM roles but even with those I helpout with whatever the owner asks of me whether it be just fill in as a OC or DC while the regular guys are on vacation or something. I can understand what you are saying to the fullest extent and I am not being argumentative by no means I just saw that this thread could be construde a couple different ways and I wanted everyone to possibly see the different aspects of what was said.

Mostly this. I was stating my credentials, in response to Boltz dismissing other people's comments because they didn't do enough on the game, and him bragging about going 9-7 (although that was in other threads). It wasn't intended as bragging about how awesome I am, mainly to show that I know how the game works, and that I'm better at it than Boltz.

Basically, it was a "hey Boltz, shut the fuck up because I'm a nobody and my teams still do better than yours". If it came across differently, and I definitely see how it could, then I apologize, because that wasn't the intent.

Also, this league has always been the most challenging league I've ever played in, and also the most fun. I don't care if it's A ball, it's much more fun than the AA and AAA leagues I am or have been involved with.
eb45 no harm no foul....

I play in a A league where my team went 11-5 and we were the 7th 10-6 made the the 8th spot.
Originally posted by hatchman
I will say one thing no one has ever heard me say I know much of anything about this game I hardly ever argue with anyone but Boltz has been my nice guy cryptonite. just reading his posts most of the time has me scratching my head as to how a person has so little common courtesy for others then when he changes his story around like ten times to try to get people to agree with him or see his point and usually he has no point. but the game needs dipsticks like him it keeps the forum fun I know of a bunch of times I couldn't wait to see what dirkdolan, rickey P or LXA even Boltz had written for the day just to get some laughs.

Now onto my second thought rellascout I have the utmost respect for you and your team but in all honesty if you would have won the championship this season no one would have tried to cheapen it by saying it is only A ball. I do jobs for both AAA, Pro, AA and BBB leagues and I will totally honest this league is as tough to gameplan for as the freaking PRO team I OC for. I don't see how you can try to cheapen winning a championship it just isn't cool. No matter if you were trying to make a point or not. I won a conference championship this season as a OC and DC of a BBB team we lost in the championship game due to us facing a team that should have been in the A league all season. and I don't see a huge difference in that championship and any other championship I could have won this season. that is just my 2 cents

why am i the target of this thread, i just wanted to discuss the announcement

Originally posted by Boltz
Originally posted by notgoing2argue

Their forums sure could use you over there. Dead as your gameplanning....


i love how people who dont even own teams talk crap, GTFO

Originally posted by Boltz
Originally posted by Dirkdolan

Originally posted by Boltz

Originally posted by notgoing2argue

Their forums sure could use you over there. Dead as your gameplanning....


i love how people who dont even own teams talk crap, GTFO

Calm down there, turbo. The best thing for you to do, is to stay right where you are, and keep your mouth shut. Once you start winning, People will go "oh, look at Boltz' team kickin' ass" Or they may go, "GJ Boltz, for keeping your mouth Shut" Or something like that.

Have you watched the video in the thread i just made? That should lift your spirits!

your the asst dc for a good team, as far as im concerned, you did nothing

Originally posted by Boltz
Originally posted by Dirkdolan

Hey boltz, Like my new Avatar? See, I'm on your side! =)

is that you in the avatar?

That'll do it.
Originally posted by Boltz

why am i the target of this thread, i just wanted to discuss the announcement

Because you suck.


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