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Rome Praetorian Guard vs Chocolate City P-Funk All-Stars

Winner: Chocolate City.

Rome won their first meeting in a very close game and look for that to flip this time since then the Chocolate bars have widened the talent gap. They appear poised to exact revenge. (Not without a fight naturally)

Naples Tormentors vs Lauterbrunnen Fighting Elves

Winner: Naples

As impressive as the Elves season was ... they don't match up to Naples.

and since I won't be here to see the Championship. Going on a small vacation next week. I select the WEBBB#10 champ will be Chocolate City.

Why? Alpha rules.
uhhh..... if you gameplan like you've been doing, I see Rome as the SB champ this year. You're 16-0 for a reason, and Alpha is the stronger of the 2 leagues.

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