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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #8 > 55 man roster?
Originally posted by Sequtugh

I'm a little pissed about this one. This is dumbing the game down to the lowest common denominator at it's best. Does it suck for 90% of the division that 2 teams built killer return units and amazing depth? Sure it does, but don't force them to play down to our level by limiting the number of players they can have. There are progression checks that have developed naturally that Bort in all probability never dreamed of, and he's screwing with them. The ability to recruit specialized players and depth should be a prerequisite to advancing beyond A. If your team can't do those things, you don't belong with the elite. Sorry if that sounds harsh, but this is a competitive game. If you can field 100 specialized players and pay them to their satisfaction, then you SHOULD win. The rest of us should be trying to do that too if we want to be the best, but instead here comes the nerf stick.

I agree it sucks. Instead of forcing people to adapt (which some people have attempted to) it mildly punishes the team that succeeds.
Roster Limit
# The NFL dropped the number of pre-season players allowed down to 80. By the time the regular season starts, the team must cut its roster down to 53 players. That number does not include the practice squad.

Thats from the website under the players association, meaning, they still get practice squad players on top of that, so your 53 was correct at first, but they are allowed to dress, all 53, after that the practice squad concists of 8 other players, they do not however hav eto be the same 8 players week to week.

Thought that would clear that arguement up

Also, I think bort has always made it clear he will continue to do anything he needs to do to make SLOWBUILD and gutting a LAST resort and you will be punished for doing so, which is great news for me (I have been apart of slowbuilding teams) But it shows he isn't an ALL I CARE ABOUT IS MONEY type of guy, he is also looking for the reaslitic value of this "fake football" we call GLB. Its a large picture thing, he wants to stop the gutting, selling and such, less work for him quite frankly in the off season, think about the last 3 seasons, 3 of the 7 days is spent realigning and dealing with guys selling and gutting there teams, right? So you take those away, and thats 3 more days spent doing things for the UPGRADES? I kind of sound like an ass kisser Guess I just get the big picture on his it the right side? Never said it was, everyone will have a different opionon. But its always been a BETA, and he always makes sure we know that. So every dime we spend, we KNOW that things can change for ANY reason and ANY time whatsoever.
Originally posted by LiquidSnake

Also, I think bort has always made it clear he will continue to do anything he needs to do to make SLOWBUILD and gutting a LAST resort and you will be punished for doing so, which is great news for me (I have been apart of slowbuilding teams) But it shows he isn't an ALL I CARE ABOUT IS MONEY type of guy, he is also looking for the reaslitic value of this "fake football" we call GLB. Its a large picture thing, he wants to stop the gutting, selling and such, less work for him quite frankly in the off season, think about the last 3 seasons, 3 of the 7 days is spent realigning and dealing with guys selling and gutting there teams, right?

Roster limit do zero to discourage slow building or gutting.
Originally posted by LiquidSnake
Roster Limit
# The NFL dropped the number of pre-season players allowed down to 80. By the time the regular season starts, the team must cut its roster down to 53 players. That number does not include the practice squad.

Thats from the website under the players association, meaning, they still get practice squad players on top of that, so your 53 was correct at first, but they are allowed to dress, all 53, after that the practice squad concists of 8 other players, they do not however hav eto be the same 8 players week to week.

Thought that would clear that arguement up

Not quite. Found this little tidbit on

Basically the roster is limited to 53 players. You can dress 45 for a game, and are allowed to dress a 46th for the express purpose of being the 3rd string QB, in the event of an injury. "On regular-season game days the team names its 45-man Active Roster which defines those players who may participate in the game. In addition, each team is allowed to name one of the remaining 8 players as its emergency backup QB--that player can only play QB and can only play in the event of injury to the team's #1 and #2 QBs

That should clear up any lingering uncertainties
Originally posted by LiquidSnake

Also, I think bort has always made it clear he will continue to do anything he needs to do to make SLOWBUILD and gutting a LAST resort and you will be punished for doing so, which is great news for me (I have been apart of slowbuilding teams) But it shows he isn't an ALL I CARE ABOUT IS MONEY type of guy, he is also looking for the reaslitic value of this "fake football" we call GLB. Its a large picture thing, he wants to stop the gutting, selling and such, less work for him quite frankly in the off season, think about the last 3 seasons, 3 of the 7 days is spent realigning and dealing with guys selling and gutting there teams, right? So you take those away, and thats 3 more days spent doing things for the UPGRADES? I kind of sound like an ass kisser Guess I just get the big picture on his it the right side? Never said it was, everyone will have a different opionon. But its always been a BETA, and he always makes sure we know that. So every dime we spend, we KNOW that things can change for ANY reason and ANY time whatsoever.

And that is PRECISELY the problem. WTF is Bort dong wasting his time on crap like that? That is why programmers should never be business managers. That isn't a big picture perspective, it's a "someone is using my product in a way that goes against the spirit of why I created it" perspective. Real football has ALWAYS been about min/max-ing. NFL clubs re-roll players every season, looking for bigger/stronger/faster. But something about people min/max-ing bothers Bort. This is where he needs someone else in charge to say - "STFU Bort and go back to your cubby. You were supposed to have injuries ready to go to the test server last week, and the custom offensive plays deadline is only 3 weeks away. I hired Johnny the intern to handle custom support for the crybabies, and Larry the low-level techie is doing server maintenance. We all need you to focus on THE GAME, not the politics of the game"
Edited by Sequtugh on May 26, 2009 01:24:31
Originally posted by Sequtugh
But something about people min/max-ing bothers Bort. This is where he needs someone else in charge to say - "STFU Bort and go back to your cubby. You were supposed to have injuries ready to go to the test server last week, and the custom offensive plays deadline is only 3 weeks away. I hired Johnny the intern to handle custom support for the crybabies, and Larry the low-level techie is doing server maintenance. We all need you to focus on THE GAME, not the politics of the game"

lol good point. This is what I don't understand though. Bort has come from an MMO background which has always been about min/maxing for the hard core gamers. ANd I thought programmers were leading that charge.
question about something, how does not liking/discouraging slow building teams show that Bort (or anybody) is not an "all I care about is the money" kind of person? This is probably just me not understanding the actual definition of a slow build team, even though I've been around since early season two I'm not all that active on the community/social boards outside of my own teams, so any help explaining that would be appreciated
Originally posted by blaslo
question about something, how does not liking/discouraging slow building teams show that Bort (or anybody) is not an "all I care about is the money" kind of person? This is probably just me not understanding the actual definition of a slow build team, even though I've been around since early season two I'm not all that active on the community/social boards outside of my own teams, so any help explaining that would be appreciated

Well if you promote slow building teams, most likely agents make MORE players, in sense spending more money, if you don't, there really is not a huge need to make alot of agents.

Originally posted by LiquidSnake
Originally posted by blaslo

question about something, how does not liking/discouraging slow building teams show that Bort (or anybody) is not an "all I care about is the money" kind of person? This is probably just me not understanding the actual definition of a slow build team, even though I've been around since early season two I'm not all that active on the community/social boards outside of my own teams, so any help explaining that would be appreciated

Well if you promote slow building teams, most likely agents make MORE players, in sense spending more money, if you don't, there really is not a huge need to make alot of agents.

but isn't the concept behind a slow building team to not boost your players, but instead maximize the amount of training you can get throughout their career? Like I said, I probably just don't understand exactly what a slow building team is
Originally posted by blaslo

but isn't the concept behind a slow building team to not boost your players, but instead maximize the amount of training you can get throughout their career? Like I said, I probably just don't understand exactly what a slow building team is

It may be a strategy but not a very good one if you want to be competitive

Originally posted by blaslo
Originally posted by LiquidSnake

Originally posted by blaslo

question about something, how does not liking/discouraging slow building teams show that Bort (or anybody) is not an "all I care about is the money" kind of person? This is probably just me not understanding the actual definition of a slow build team, even though I've been around since early season two I'm not all that active on the community/social boards outside of my own teams, so any help explaining that would be appreciated

Well if you promote slow building teams, most likely agents make MORE players, in sense spending more money, if you don't, there really is not a huge need to make alot of agents.

but isn't the concept behind a slow building team to not boost your players, but instead maximize the amount of training you can get throughout their career? Like I said, I probably just don't understand exactly what a slow building team is

THat would be a super slow build

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