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Forum > Oceania AA Leagues > Oceania AA #1 > Alpha Power Rankings week 12
kinda new at this but will try not to be one sided at al

1. Telstar- They have the best record in the Alpha Conference. They seem to have a pretty solid defense and are able to limit their opponents offense. I do believe that they have a few teams coming up that will give them a run for their money but for right now they are #1

2. Norfolk- Ya! this is my team but seriously , one of the best coaching staffs. They have possibly one of the best defensive coaches in the entire league. We have proven that we are a team to reckon with by defeating 2 of the top teams in the alpha conference.

3.Bendigo- They have been coming on pretty strong lately and the games they lost they lost by a couple touchdowns. They where able to hang with Telstar and the Knights the top 2 ranked teams in Alpha

4.Tongan- They started out really good but i believe that was because of a fairly easy schedule. Their last game against Cobden is the reason why they are ranked in the 4th spot.

5. Cobden- They have beaten some of the better teams in Alpha but just couldnt pull of the wins against Telstar and Tongan. I believe that with the rest of their schedule i could see them possibly losing only 1 game.

6.Guam- I believe that they have the hardest schedule left in the Alpha conference. Their defense isnt the greatest in the league which will cause them to struggle against the offense of Norfolk, Cobden, and Telstar. Those three games they could lose if they dont limit their opponents to a few touchdowns.

7. WBH- Not much to say but i believe they are better then the 8 and 9 teams. They do have 4 remaining games that are hard and I believe they need to at least win 2 of them to be sure to make it in the playoffs.

8. Steel- I put them ahead of flaming cuz i believe that they might be able to pull off an upset the last week against flaming and they have an easy game this week.

9. Flaming- I believe their offense lacks talent and could see them missing out on the playoffs
Edited by DOLPHINS FAN on May 17, 2009 18:20:04
Edited by DOLPHINS FAN on May 17, 2009 18:19:45
Ted Buckland
nice.... i like it!

Go Sawfish!
Originally posted by DOLPHINS FAN
kinda new at this but will try not to be one sided at al

1. Telstar- They have the best record in the Alpha Conference. They seem to have a pretty solid defense and are able to limit their opponents offense. I do believe that they have a few teams coming up that will give them a run for their money but for right now they are #1

Nor Peeps are Rebels Haters.. Going out of ur way to say nothing nice about us. I see how its Gonna be now.. Rev

Edit: i think i need to adjust my rankings i feel a Lucky SeaHorse coming on for Guam
Edited by Rever on May 17, 2009 19:27:05
Edited by Rever on May 17, 2009 19:25:38
very good read.
Reb's doing work again... Rev


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