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Forum > Oceania AA Leagues > Oceania AA #1 > Oceania A - Week 14 Power Rankings
i dunno why everyone is taking such offense to this. i was simply stating some facts. why not jump all over tisichase. "LOL at this!" what point is he trying to make? why not jump all over him? oh wait! its cuz hes in your conference and you don't care.
Actually it has nothing to do with conference, it's the fact you're sounding like a girl about unofficial power rankings.
Originally posted by justin5745
i dunno why everyone is taking such offense to this. i was simply stating some facts. why not jump all over tisichase. "LOL at this!" what point is he trying to make? why not jump all over him? oh wait! its cuz hes in your conference and you don't care.

Well, damn. You figured me out. I'm just here to complain about what you say because tisichase is in my conference. No, I'm complaining because you have a history of trying to pull magic numbers out of a hat to prove a point, whether said numbers have any real meaning or not. And you'll defend these numbers to the death, no matter how many holes people may or may not poke in them.

That's why people are getting on you. It is annoying.
Originally posted by justin5745
i dunno why everyone is taking such offense to this. i was simply stating some facts. why not jump all over tisichase. "LOL at this!" what point is he trying to make? why not jump all over him? oh wait! its cuz hes in your conference and you don't care.

aww change your tampon this month??? its a fucking football sim and i was just saying LOL because it is funny how we can have an extra win and be below someone simply because there are wider margins between the top teams and bottom teams in your conference. wipe your forehead because me and mr. moose just took a huge dump on you.
The point is that football games are zero-sum. Discounting ties (which is why I said that ties do in fact affect it a little bit), every game must have a winner and a loser. After the game tonight, every team in each conference will have played the other teams in that conference, making a grand total of 15 games x 16 teams = 240 team-games. No matter what the teams' individual records are, there must be one win for every loss within these games. If there were no ties, it will be half and half: 120 wins and 120 losses. In Alpha, with 2 ties (assuming no one ties tonight), there will be 118 wins and 118 losses.

Now, because each team has played every other team, all of these wins and losses are accounted for somewhere for every team. Obviously, there are only two possibilities: they come from your record, or from your opponents' records. Let us assume no ties; then if you team is 15-0, there remains a league-wide record of 105-120, which is your strength of schedule. If you are 0-15, your strength of schedule is 120-105. So, we can clearly see two conclusions:
1) All teams with the same record will have the same strength of schedule.
2) Teams' strength of schedule is inversely related to their record.

Now, let us add ties back in. As I have shown, the presence of two ties in Alpha lowers the league's overall record to 118-118 compared to Zeta's 120-120. Obviously, the leagues have an overall .500 record. What is interesting, however, is that your record affects the league more in Alpha. This is simply because variation has a higher effect on a smaller sample size. Whereas a Zeta 15-0 team's 105-120 strength of schedule is a .467 mark, a 15-0 team in Alpha conference has played teams that are 103-118--a .466 winning percentage. Winning teams in Alpha conference have a lower strength of schedule than winning teams in Zeta, and losing teams in Alpha have a higher strength of schedule.

Note that these are minute differences, even at the most extreme. In addition, they could be easily removed from the system (I believe) if it were adjusted to count a tie as half a win and half a loss. At that point, the two conferences would go back to being the exact same, which is my original point.

As far as the teams that have actually recorded a tie, they are ranked exactly where you would expect them to be. A 14-0-1 team has a record slightly worse than a 15-0, and thus has a very slightly stronger schedule.

The real point is this: the distribution of wins and losses in your conference has no effect on your strength of schedule, except for how many wins YOUR TEAM has.
Last edited May 24, 2008 13:35:05
magic numbers? ha, wow. i dont just pluck these out of thin air. they exist for anyone to see, i put them to good use. thats what they are there for. if you cant see that then there is no helping you.

i actually find it funny at the seriousness that you all are bringing to this. everyones getting offended and now starting to sling mud. Tampons? acting like a girl? grow up people. have a conversation without turning it into a internet flame-fest.

MrMoose is just pissed because i don't think his internet buddy is an all-pro at an internet game. And now he will take any chance to find any post i make in any thread and hop all over me for anything i say. hows that for childish.

and Mornacale. i had it explained a little different to me a while ago. so if i misconstrued how it works i apologized about that.
Originally posted by justin5745
MrMoose is just pissed because i don't think his internet buddy is an all-pro at an internet game. And now he will take any chance to find any post i make in any thread and hop all over me for anything i say. hows that for childish.

I don't care who you think it best. I don't know Ricky beyond him being a player on my team, either. But when you had multiple people telling you that your stats really didn't work since we don't have a full picture, you kept insisting that your player was better because your made up formula said so. It is easy to make up formulas to say any of the cornerbacks in this league are the best. We're just saying that yours really wasn't that effective since we don't have the full picture of things.

And I'm sorry, but you're not doing much better, in that you're slinging insults at people too. So can the holier-than-thou attitude you're tossing around in this thread. I love how you're assuming that I'm pissed at you simply through a few relatively tame postings on a message board.
Last edited May 24, 2008 14:56:29
Where are my insults, other than saying some of your actions are childish? That second paragraph wasn't meant for you if you thought it was. i suppose i shouldn't have thrown it in between 2 that were.

At least i tried to come up with something, instead of constantly saying, "hey look at my stats! They are inflated!". i said it was a very rough, new, way of looking at something, i did not claim it to be the know all, be all, end all of the discussion. some people thought it was ok, others did not. if you notice it was decidedly split. Those with low stats, and those with inflated stats. You say potato, i say patato. The sides will never agree. you are gonna fight for your guy, or the guy on your team.

i claim you to be pissed because you claim me to be annoying. Usually, in my case anyway, i care not to talk to annoying people because they bother me. ie: piss me off.

but yes, your posts are relatively tame in comparison to some of these people. I'll give you that. I mean, come on... poop?
Originally posted by justin5745
i actually find it funny at the seriousness that you all are bringing to this.

LOL, we're not the ones writing short stories to explain ourselves. This makes me chuckle, fucking dork.
Originally posted by tisichase
Originally posted by justin5745

i actually find it funny at the seriousness that you all are bringing to this.

LOL, we're not the ones writing short stories to explain ourselves. This makes me chuckle, fucking dork.

Man, I do have to agree with Justin here. Getting a bit out of hand now.
sooo... are you a Purdue fan or Illini fan Justin?
oh crap. sorry, i saw your other post just never got around to answering. and to be very honest. i just saw the pick and thought it was cool so i used it. i know, not very creative.

See ya 'round Moose.

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