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Forum > Canadian A Leagues > Canadian A #4 > Good Luck Labatt Blue
Originally posted by MF3K
I guess I've been way off on Labatt. Sets up a sweet showdown in 2 days.

That it does...
Edited by Snaza on May 17, 2009 19:31:55
Goat Father
Originally posted by Snaza
Originally posted by hatchman

good game guys you had us from the start. you guys have a great team hopefully we can get another try at you guys in the playoffs

I'm sure you will.
Some of those plays had me scratching my head... thought you were gonna come back and take us for a few minutes there.

For some reason we just can't get our gameplans to work like we invision them. You guys had us dead to right all game seemed like you guys had us scouted to a tee. I guess I have to go back to the drawing board with the AI and see if I can make some much needed improvements. you guys are a great team and we enjoyed the game even though we lost.
I have to give a lot of credit to our defensive coordinator. He has taken our defense to a whole new level.

I agree with you though. It was a good game to watch and you had me worried when the momentum started to swing there. We're a little paranoid about blowing leads to higher leveled teams here in Labatt. We would absolutely dominate teams in the first half in our second season and then blow multiple touchdown leads because stamina was teh suck! I actually was watching one of our games with my cousin, aholewanker, over (before the NFL games came on) and I said, "We're up by 24 with five minutes left, this one is in the bag" and then we blew it and lost by a TD. How does that happen? Now I'm bitter...


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