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Forum > Oceania AA Leagues > Oceania AA #1 > Week #11 Alpha Rankings
Originally posted by sehorn31
I just wanted to let you guys know over here in Alpha that I'm now the DC for the Sun Devils and I'm really looking forward to knocking off a few of you higher Seeds and clinching a Home Play-Off Game. Nofolk,Cobden,and Telstar I'm looking very forward to showing you guys that you all aren't as good as you think.

O rly?
ehh you never know. sims are crazy, but im not one to trash talk and shit so good luck to all the teams that do make the playoffs.
Originally posted by Falseelk
Originally posted by sehorn31

I just wanted to let you guys know over here in Alpha that I'm now the DC for the Sun Devils and I'm really looking forward to knocking off a few of you higher Seeds and clinching a Home Play-Off Game. Nofolk,Cobden,and Telstar I'm looking very forward to showing you guys that you all aren't as good as you think.

O rly?

Yes really and it's really easy when you have someone running a Script for you.And what sucks is they won't run it for us cause they already do it for you guys and they won't do 2 Teams in the same Conference.If they quit next Season then we'll see how good Norfolk can really Game Plan. BTW I didn't even Game Plan so I wasn't expecting to win any how.
Originally posted by sehorn31
Originally posted by Falseelk

Originally posted by sehorn31

I just wanted to let you guys know over here in Alpha that I'm now the DC for the Sun Devils and I'm really looking forward to knocking off a few of you higher Seeds and clinching a Home Play-Off Game. Nofolk,Cobden,and Telstar I'm looking very forward to showing you guys that you all aren't as good as you think.

O rly?

Yes really and it's really easy when you have someone running a Script for you.And what sucks is they won't run it for us cause they already do it for you guys and they won't do 2 Teams in the same Conference.If they quit next Season then we'll see how good Norfolk can really Game Plan. BTW I didn't even Game Plan so I wasn't expecting to win any how.

Wow, that sounds like an awful lot of crying... Take your lumps like a man.

Now, everyone in these forums and all of the leagues that I've been in in the past knows that I'm not the type to trash talk. However this comment goes a little above and beyond the point where I need to respond. let me point out that, since season 4, I have scouted all of my own games. This takes a ton of time, which is why I only owned 1 team and DCed 1 other team. Yes, we use the advanced scouting script, but all that it does is allow me to be involved with 3 additional teams. I use the script to do my own scouting. I used to have to go through each individual play whereas now I have a nice print-out that i can use to fill out my own scouting report. Does this save me time? Yes. Does this give me an advantage over other teams? No, because if the script was never used I would still have exactly the same scouting numbers, I just wouldn't be able to run the defenses for 3 other football teams. 2 of which don't have owners who have paid for the script but are all at or near the top of their respective leagues in rush and pass defense.

Way back in S4 and S5 Norfolk was always near the middle of the league level-wise. I'm one of the few owners that will see a level 50+ free agent and then choose not to sign him because I don't want to bump one of my loyal players. Yet, even being relatively low-level, we were 13-3 and 15-1 in our first two seasons - when the scouting script didn't even exist. That's why when we got to AA we took a beating: we had pretty low-level guys and we didn't ever dump players to sign higher level guys. There are 2 old A#2 teams who decided to retire as owners and they came over to Norfolk and brought their players with them. So on our staff we have something like 4 active owners, 2 former owners, and a number of GMs. All of this experience brings us success, not the scouting script.

The scouting script isn't some magic bullet that makes you win games, all it does is save you 3 or 4 hours of scouting. I have a job, 2 kids, and i coach in real life so this really limited me to running Norfolk and Norfolk only. The scouting script has freed me up to help run 3 other teams owned by friends. To imply that we don't know how to game plan is ignorant and sophomoric. I have an entire folder on my laptop filled with folders labelled "S4," "S5," "S6," etc. in each of these folders are two scouting reports for every team, one with offensive and one with defensive tendencies for each team we play. We use these scouting reports to game plan, the advanced scouting script just helps us fill these reports out. The scouting script you speak of, on offense, tells us what you do from Shotgun on 2nd and long. Now, i don't know about you, but my offense is written in a way that we do something totally different from Shotgun on 2nd and long depending on our field position. The scouting script does not, in any way, mention field position. So, it gives me a good guide on what to do defensively, but I still have to go through the play-by-play to figure out what you're doing given the specific field position, time on the clock, etc. Think of it this way: what if you ONLY pass from Ace at the end of the 2nd and 4th quarters, and you run ace 4 times a game outside of that situation, all run plays. The scouting script will then make it look like you pass from Ace 66% of the time or whatever the percentage would equal out to be. So then I go and set my defense to pass defend against Ace, and you manage to gain 8 yards every time you run from Ace. Do you see how pointless it is to game plan solely from the advanced script? All it does is allow me to look at MY data set against a second data set in order to make sure that my numbers are as solid as possible.

Don't blame us for your own ineptitude and failure to do your job and game plan. We lost our first game of the season because I filed for divorce and moved out of my house so I didn't have internet access for 5 or 6 days. I logged into the team forum and apologized for letting the team down by dropping our first game, but at no point did you EVER see me or any other member of my staff on the forums giving BS "we didn't game plan" excuses. We didn't game plan, and that was our fault. That's what being a man is all about - You screw up, you own up to it. You should think about that for the next couple of weeks. When you screw up and give up ONE THOUSAND YARDS OF OFFENSE it's pretty hard for you to say "I didn't game plan" and have people believe you. Guam is a pretty good team and that was a ridiculous loss. We had a brand new OC for the Cobden game, there was a mistake in his AI, and we were running inside on 4th and 8 from our own 30 yard line. Is that Cobden's fault? No, it was our screw up. Our OC stepped up (like a man, as you'll remember from a moment ago) and apologized to the team for the mistake. We fixed it and moved on. Do we believe in our hearts that we can beat Cobden or that we should have beat them? Of course we do, but we didn't.

Tell you what, Sehorn, I'll send a PM to the guys that run the advanced scouting script and ask them allow you to use it for the rest of the season. I'd hate to hear you whine for the rest of the season about how unfair it is.

Be a man.


Edit: I should also point out that this was your first game as a DC. Which means our offense was using the scouting numbers from YOUR PREVIOUS AI. So, in theory, if we used the scouting report the way that you think we do, we would have been running plays that attack what your old defensive AI did.
Edited by easycheez on May 19, 2009 08:32:06
I don't have a script for the offense...I kinda just roll with what I think will work. All the numbers and stuff from the script I wouldn't even know how to apply it to what I'm doing on Offense.
And if I had a coach on my staff who publicly said they "expected" to lose a game because they didn't gameplan, I would have to seriously consider if that was the right guy for the job.
Edited by Falseelk on May 19, 2009 09:02:44
Ok let me get this straight easy and this is no accusation But..... You Pay for a script to scout? I do all my own scouting OC and DC with out the help of a script.. I work full time play on 2 softball team Golf and have 2 kids and a wife so i dont understand how some peeps say they "cant find the time" to do there own scouting and such.. I think that taking the easy way out with scripts and such should be done away with.. Even playing field for all not just all who have some hook -up... I am not agreeing with what "SeaHorse" said @ all.. But i do feel that Hooking into some script not avil to all is @ lest an Adv . U guys are prob going Rip and Flame me all over this post but i dont really care I dont need anything to tell me what plays The other team is running and i dont need someone's else script to help me.. Takes alot of the Thrill of winning out of it in my Opinion...Rev
No, I am agreeing with you. We paid for the script last season but, to be honest, it's not *that* helpful for all of the reasons I listed in my original post. If you just use the script then the best you could do is, on defense, see that the team you are playing runs 75% of the time from I Form and pass 25% of the time. So, what, I set my defense to pass defense 25% of the time? It's not really helpful at all. This season we did not use the script until week 10 when I saw a post from the guy that created the script (and is a GM on another team I DC for) regarding uing the script for the last half of the season. I get the reports and post them on the forums but, as said before, I don't use them much. I don't ever touch the offensive AI, so I figured I'd post it in case my OC Falseelk wanted to use them. After this thread popped up he even sent me a PM asking me HOW he could use the script. It's just not that helpful.

We used the script last season for the first probably 8 games before we switched to my old scouting format. Last season we DID set our AI off of the script and we ended up getting our butts kicked around a bit for exactly the reasons I just listed; It's really not THAT useful. if it was something I used, relied on, and needed to win I would have just said "no, I don't use it" and lied to protect our secret.

What I do to scout is, literally, go through every offensive play-by-play from the teams that we are playing for a set number of games. I then record the information from every single play onto an excel sheet and I use the sort function to come up with tendencies to set my defense to.

Originally posted by Rever
Takes alot of the Thrill of winning out of it in my Opinion...

Exactly, which is why I was so snarky in my response. I don't use the script to scout, I scout each team for roughly 3 hours. Plus, some teams (like Cobden, Guam, or ) I have 3 seasons worth of scouting data that I can look at and compare. I have a playbook of something like 30 defensive plays which were all created (and it required tons of testing) to cover certain situations. If I find that a team runs right or throws a TE seam in one situation I have a play that stops the strong side run and pays attention to that seam. if they run a weak pitch or a strong off-tackle, same thing, I have a play that covers these two tendencies. I have to physically watch each play on the replay to see what the play actually is. At level 15 HBs have poor vision but, at this level of GLB, a HB can aim for strong side A gap and then bounce it outside - The scouting report would report this as an outside run. The defense that we run is a real defense copied from a playbook that I use in real life (with the exception, of course, that the plays are limited by what GLB will allow me to do... No gap assignments, no flow reads, etc). We run plays that are designed to stop certain things and stop certain things. The other two teams I DC for I have uploaded similar playbooks so that we don't have to scout. All we have to do is find out what situations people throw deep, run screens, etc. if they run inside or throw underneath we don't have to change anything.

Realistically, if we used the script, you'd see us doing the exact same thing defensively against every single Strong I, every single 3WR Shotgun, etc. Plus, as Falseelk pointed out, we don't even use it for his offense since he can't find any way to use the information in the script in order to fix the offense.

Here's how the scouting report DOES save us time: If I see that, according to the report, a team has only run from Pro Form 4 times, I know to specifically look at the replays to see what situations those 4 runs came on. What was the down and distance? Where on the field were they? How much time was on the clock? All of this can be done by putting info into an excel sheet and sorting it out. I will admit now that the only way I use the report is, after I run MY scouting report, I look through it to make sure that I didn't miss anything. So far this season (well, since game 10) I haven't found anything on the script that I didn't catch with my report.

We DO use the scouting report on one of the other teams I scout for... And the guys who CREATED the script own the team. As far as I'm concerned that qualifies them to use it. Belgrade does not use the script, yet Belgrade has a defense that is just as strong as the Norfolk defense. They use MY scouting method. Maracaibo doesn't use the scouting report, either, but that defense is strong just based on the fact that they are pretty high-level for their conference.

That's why I'm pissed off. Sehorn is just a whiney whore that is pissed off that his first stint as DC turned into a 1,000 yard ass-whuping so he's mouthing off. I have been an owner for 6 seasons now and our defense has always been solid, save for last season when we were using the script. Go ahead and look at the first half of our season last year - We were struggling. I have busted my butt scouting this season (as I have every season) and it pisses me off when someone gets beat and then decides to blame everyone but themselves for the loss. You guys can think what you want, but the truth is that we DON'T use the script. If he contacted the creators this season about using the script I'm not sure why they would refuse him... We didn't use the script until a few days ago. On the forum it lists what leagues have script-users in them and Oceania AA#1 is *NOT* listed. Unless he contacted them last season.

Feel free to go log into other forums and rip on me for using the scouting report for another team of mine... our entire game plan there is based off of the scouting report. But, as I pointed out, the guys who WROTE the script are the guys that run that team. I used to spend 3 hours every other day scouting for that team and I don't have to anymore.
Edited by easycheez on May 19, 2009 12:58:33
Edited by easycheez on May 19, 2009 12:57:46
Edited by easycheez on May 19, 2009 12:15:03
Thanks for Not ripping me an i totally understand now bro.. I knew there was some "seahorse" Fiction going on ...Rev
Originally posted by Rever
Thanks for Not ripping me an i totally understand now bro.. I knew there was some "seahorse" Fiction going on ...Rev

No ripping, just some ridiculous text walls.
please people the guam / norfolk game is over the better team won.
There is no need for this issue to come up.
It was embarrassing for us as a team and staff.
it is not the last game we will ever play.
I have known both easycheez and sehorn 31 for a number of seasons.
both great guys in their own right.
I am actually sorry to see this happen in here.
we lost game over I moved on.
Good for everybody.

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