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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #4 > A#4 Power Rankings - Week 9
Please someone find where I said we were the best. We are in the top 5 in the East, that is all I referenced in my comments.
easy everybody. These are supposed to be fun...

INYA ONYA vs. Springfield **OR** Big Money Dynasty vs. Lynchburg Lightning **OR** Nic Cage vs. BWA

All of these games are going to shake out who is gonna make the playoffs and who might sneak into that #4 spot for a home playoff game (at least BWA has a shot at that seed). All 3 of these games will be exciting.

INYA 17, Springfield 28
BMD 51, Lynchburg 13
BWA 71, Nic Cage 30

Houston Armageddon vs. Port Moody PAIN

Alot of talk has been going on about Port Moody's schedule. It's true that it's going to be tough from here on out, and they will quiet the naysayers with a win here. Houston wants home playoff game(s). Port Moody could be a bump on the road to that goal. Seeding and playoff hopes abound in this game.

Houston 41, Port Moody 21
Husker Nation
I for one am quite concerned about facing Port Moody...They could be a silent killer...I for one am just glad we finally filled out our Depth Chart with the addition of a new level 52 CB...
Seijuro Shin
Originally posted by Coach RW
As for the other teams that don't think we deserve to be where we are in the rankings...I didn't make em'!!!

As for the Alexanders...I look forward to our should be epic!(hopefully it plays out more like last seasons did...not like the season before! )

All the other teams we face in the last part of our schedule...I'm just looking for some good games...not to be a douche and say that 'I'm the best!'.

Bring it...cause we look forward to the challenge!!

lol well i hope it doesnt play out like last season. Should be a good match. We'll see how it plays out.
Teikoku's next game worries me for play time reasons, i mean i think game plan + builds are more important than levels but still there is a limit to that.

just looked around a bit and Houston Armageddon gave them their biggest defeat and they look like everyone got at least 20 plays so it should be all good
I just don't understand all the talk about schedules. I thought everybody in each conference played everybody else in their conference. I mean, does it really matter when or where or by how much??
Sure, top playoff seedings are nice, but isn't the first goal of every team to get in?

It will all shake out in the end and it will be the same old story....only the strong survive!!!

That's just the way it is in football !
well apart from the first game thats true however say if u were like 7th rank worthy and u have to face 1st, 2nd, 3rd,4th, 5th, 6th b4 u played 8th and 9th and they played random teams between 10th-16th and u lost all ur matches and they won all theirs, regardless of how close it was if ur on a losing streak ull lose morale and if u lose morale it will have some pretty bad effects on ur game so u could end up losing to 8th and 9th or maybe worse even if u had a perfect game plan and if u don't make the play offs because of that it would seriously cripple ur chances of recruiting and obviously u have no chance of winning the championship with surprise tactics or something if ur not even in them. being on low morale is just as bad as being on low energy.
It's up to teams to win the games they're supposed to win, if they don't, apparently they're not good enough. We lost to Texas and Florida, apparently they are the better teams! That's not to say we can't beat them, they just did something better than we did that particular day, it happens. I'm sure we learned something from both games, and we look forward to the opportunity to play them again and we hope we do when the prize is a little bigger!
Any team can upset another, I think scouting and game planning is the most important thing in this game, and builds is second!
I don't go through and look at everyones builds, I look at how the overall team plays in different situations, look at tendencies and and try to find weaknesses, not in players but in game planning and reaction. There are weaknesses in every team, just got to find them.
yeah im not saying its not mainly down to those things but morale plays a bigger role than a lot of people realise even with good game planning and scouting if ur teams on 90- morale they could easily lose to teams that are just as good as them, im not saying its impossible im just saying it makes it harder to win. i think game planning/scouting are just as important as builds for various reasons but really thats just an opinion since if we all thought the same thing there would be much less upsets and it would be boring
While morale honestly does have a huge implication on the success of a team, I would disagree with Kenchi on that builds are inferior to gameplanning.

Granted, my team has lost some winnable games, but gameplanning aside, those teams are better than us in terms of level. Most of my games this season I haven't even gameplanned for and have just let the builds dictate the outcome of the game. That may be why we lost in the "A" League Invitational, but it was probably due to the fact we faced a really tough team in the Bar Stars.

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