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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #8 > Texan's Power 8 (Eastern)
Originally posted by Meech
I am certain that Atlanta joins Maine in wishing Furious George the best of luck in their game against Montana.

I try not to wish a loss on anyone, as that's about the time we trip up and lose ourselves. That said, I'll definitely be watching that game
Originally posted by onepeat
Originally posted by Moo45

Originally posted by onepeat

great job tex, but i really think we are closer to 9-10...

Nice "under the radar" marketing attempt =p

not at all, bro and we got blown out...
We are just not developed enough. The Vet Pts really put us behind the 8 ball. If not for them, I honestly think we would dominate, but those vet pts, especially in their first season, really screwed the slow build teams. It will take us a couple of seasons while the rest of you start your decline...

That you guys are in the position you are in speaks highly of your builds. Not to be negative, but I think the best thing that could happen to K&B would be to lose early in the playoffs and NOT get promoted this season. I said last season y'all got screwed when you got put up here, so hopefully it doesn't happen twice. Depending on who stays and who moves up, I'd definitely consider K&B one of the powerhouses next season in A8, if not the favorite to win it.
I couldn't agree with you more! I do think we will be a tad bit out gunned next season as well, but season 11 could be brutal for our competition.
Edited by onepeat on May 23, 2009 08:47:42
Texan DTD
Who is the tie-break scenario expert around here? Two main questions:

1. Who is #8 if Buffalo, Manhattan and VC tie? It seems like that they would have beaten each other;
2. Speaking of beating each other, would anything in week 16 (other than a loss) change the order from 2-4?

Originally posted by Texan
Who is the tie-break scenario expert around here? Two main questions:

2. Speaking of beating each other, would anything in week 16 (other than a loss) change the order from 2-4?

I *THINK* it goes off points scored, meaning we would have to score 330 more points than Montana in the last game to move up one, while Maine would have to score 400 more points than Atlanta to move up one. Could be wrong though. I've been playing this damn game for 9 seasons and still don't understand the tiebreaker scenarios

All this love for Da Nola makes me smile. The Chicago Beasts are maybe a half to a full season behind Da Nola . But we're driving the same make of wheels. We just don't have a spokesman. Maybe next season if I can get over my shyness.
Texan DTD
Originally posted by Cponyman
All this love for Da Nola makes me smile. The Chicago Beasts are maybe a half to a full season behind Da Nola . But we're driving the same make of wheels. We just don't have a spokesman. Maybe next season if I can get over my shyness.

You just need to someone to write predictions for the West. You should do it.
Originally posted by Texan
Who is the tie-break scenario expert around here? Two main questions:

1. Who is #8 if Buffalo, Manhattan and VC tie? It seems like that they would have beaten each other;
2. Speaking of beating each other, would anything in week 16 (other than a loss) change the order from 2-4?

in a 3 way tie it goes by points scored for the season by the teams

Buffalo scored 1000 points (I'm not sure the what they have scored)..this is just an example
Man score 950
Vic scored 900

then It would go
So I was correct! Write this date down! Hell, I'm gonna go get my wife and show her this, just to prove it can happen! (she'll never believe it)

So anyways, my scenario is good then. Maine has to score roughly 400 more points than Atlanta scores in this last game in order to move up, and Atlanta has to score roughly 300 more points than Montana scores in order to move up. In other words, 2-3-4 are locked in, barring a loss.
Texan DTD
Originally posted by Sequtugh
In other words, 2-3-4 are locked in, barring a loss.

Other than the last couple of spots, I don't think the rankings have changed much all season, which is a big departure from last season.

they should change this week

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