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Ovr------- Off-------- Def-------- Team----------------------Record

1-----------1-----------8--------Lake Erie Levitra----8-0-0 (1st Overall)
LEVITRA helps increase blood flow to the penis, so it may help men with ED get and keep an erection that lasts long enough to have successful sex. Of course, after the raping the Bruins took, I don't think they'll ever get it up again.
How dare you tease Boltz's team for the first quarter?

2------------7-----------1 ------Port Chester University Whooping Cranes-----8-0-0
The Whooping Crane, the tallest North American bird, is an endangered crane species named for its whooping sound and call.
You guys are becoming to symmetrical. 82-6 then 42-6, next week 22-6

3-----------14----------2------- Labatt Blue-----------------8-0-0 (Last Week #2)

4------------2-----------4--------Calgary Hitmen------------7-1-0

5------------10----------14------Yukon City Grizzlies------7-1-0
In 1949, Yukon garnered national media attention because of the plight of Grady the Cow whom became famous for being the 1,200-pound cow stuck inside a storage silo on a farm in Yukon.

6------------18-----------17------Manitoba Warmageddons--------5-3-0
The most dramatic episode was the Winnipeg General Strike of 1919 which shut down most activity for six weeks. It began May 15 and continued until the strike collapsed on June 25, 1919; the workers were gradually returning to their jobs, and the Central Strike Committee decided to end the strike. Government efforts to violently crush the strike, including a charge into a crowd of strikers by the Royal Northwest Mounted Police that resulted in 30 casualties and one death and the arrest of the strike leaders,

7------------9-----------20-------Saskatoon Dream---------------4-4-0 (Last Week, Unranked)
Saskatoon is known as "Bridge City" for its seven river crossings.[4] The name comes from the Cree inanimate noun "misâskwatôminihk," which refers to the sweet, violet-coloured berry that grows in the area.

8-------------16-----------24-----Yellowknife Bruins------------------3-5-0
B.A. Blakeney, made the first discovery of gold in the Yellowknife Bay area in the late 19th century. The discovery was viewed as unimportant in those days because of the Klondike Gold Rush and because Great Slave Lake was too far away to attract attention.
You racist bastards


Ovr------- Off-------- Def-------- Team---------------------------------Record

1-----------4----------7 ----North Vancouver Hurricanes--------6-2-0
There are two municipalities in the Greater Vancouver region of British Columbia, Canada, that use the name North Vancouver. These are:

* The City of North Vancouver (44,303 residents - 2001 Census)
* The District of North Vancouver (82,310 residents - 2001 Census)

2-----------5----------5----Seville Scranton Golden Eagles----8-0-0

3-----------6----------6----------THE U--------------------------------8-0-0
Fuck FSU and UF

4-----------3----------3----------Toronto Blitz------------------------6-2-0

5----------8---------9----------Vancouver Valiants----------------6-2-0
Valiant Comics was one of the largest companies in the American comic book market during the 1990s, initially packaging specialty comics and going on to sell more than 80 million comic books in its first five years. Best known for it's comic/video game series, Turok the Dinosaur Hunter

6----------15---------10---League of Extraordinary A-Holes--6-2-0
And we can't forget about
Greatest game EVER played:

7-----------12--------11---------Niagra 916ers---------------------6-2-0

8-----------10--------12---------Vancouver Refugees---------------------5-3-0
Last edited May 9, 2009 20:34:14
Iknowrite? Clever of Boltz to name his team after a region containing Slave Lake. Sneaky bastic.
Does it give you an overall list for the league? Would love to see it if you can post.
It's kind of jumbled but I'll give the quick run down on it, there are a few "ties" and those are the only time I really use my judgement call, except with Toronto Blitz, I did move them down.
As seen from the Script rankings overall league standings

1 Lake Erie (west)

2 Toronto Blitz (East)

3 North Vancouver Hurricanes (East)

4 Seville Golden Eagles (East)

5 Port Chester, Labatt, and Hitmen (all from the West)

8 The U (East)

9 Yukon Grizzlies (West)

10 Vancouver Valiants (East)

11 LXA (East)

12 Niagra 916ers (East)

13 Manitoba (West)

14 Sasktoon Dream, Warren Brotherhood Damasses, Toronto Tidal Waves (West)

17 Vancouver Refugees, Dagobah Jedis (East) and YellowKnife Bruins (West)

20 Whiskey Gap Bootleggers (West)

21 Toronto Thunder (West)

22 Woodstock Wanderers and Oshawa Turtles (East)

24 Toronto Eh's (CPU East)

25 Arctic Blubberin' Esquimaux (East)

26 Halifax Fire (East)

27 Bad Harbour Hackers (West)

28 Montreal Future (West)

29 Moosehead Barley Pops (East)

30 Charlottetown Cobras (East) and Mid-Pac Warriors (CPU West)

32 Alberta Avalanche (West)
cool, thx
Goat Father
very nice read
how are the Hurricanes ahead of the Blitz in the east but in total the blitz are ahead of the Canes
These rankings are awesome
Originally posted by seth4444
how are the Hurricanes ahead of the Blitz in the east but in total the blitz are ahead of the Canes

Thats the one that I just couldn't go with the script rankings. The OP, I switched the blitz due to their games they have had recently. I stated as much for the last weeks one as well.
I don't agree with the canes one either but their games weren't enough to deter me from changing them.
Originally posted by driftinggrifter

4-----------4----------3----------Toronto Blitz------------------------5-2-0
The script actually has you guys jumping to the number two spot...........but unfortunatly for you, I can't agree with that. Not after the loss to the U and the very very narrow win against the Valiants.

Last weeks.
Pretty good stuff drift
Fucking loved all the links.

Good choices on the videos.

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