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Forum > Position Talk > O Line Club > Slow Build O-Line Cont'd
Figured I'd update with builds. None of the players have been reversed pancaked all season. Let up very few sacks (backups have let a couple by :-/)
Even my LOT which is built low strength hasn't been pancaked.
(This is with equipment btw; they're all level 17 at the time of this writing)

Physical Attributes
Strength: 95
Speed: 29
Agility: 32.2
Jumping: 8
Stamina: 31.2
Vision: 31.2
Confidence: 18.2

Football Skills
Blocking: 74
Catching: 8
Tackling: 13.2
Throwing: 8
Carrying: 8
Kicking: 8
Punting: 8

Physical Attributes
Strength: 81.72
Speed: 40
Agility: 50
Jumping: 9
Stamina: 31
Vision: 31
Confidence: 30.72

Football Skills
Blocking: 66.72
Catching: 8
Tackling: 14
Throwing: 8
Carrying: 8
Kicking: 8
Punting: 8

Physical Attributes
Strength: 81.72
Speed: 41
Agility: 50
Jumping: 8
Stamina: 31
Vision: 30
Confidence: 30.72

Football Skills
Blocking: 66.72
Catching: 8
Tackling: 14
Throwing: 8
Carrying: 8
Kicking: 8
Punting: 8

Physical Attributes
Strength: 58.4
Speed: 35
Agility: 51.4
Jumping: 8
Stamina: 33
Vision: 33.4
Confidence: 25.4

Football Skills
Blocking: 86.4
Catching: 8
Tackling: 18
Throwing: 8
Carrying: 8
Kicking: 8
Punting: 8

Physical Attributes
Strength: 50.4
Speed: 49
Agility: 66.4
Jumping: 9
Stamina: 34
Vision: 38.4
Confidence: 27.4

Football Skills
Blocking: 66.4
Catching: 8
Tackling: 18
Throwing: 8
Carrying: 8
Kicking: 8
Punting: 8
Last edited May 7, 2009 15:18:15

What happened with the 2 losses on the team?
Originally posted by mandyross

What happened with the 2 losses on the team?

I didn't slow build the defense too :-p
Just an issue with rounding out "young" builds. Playoffs should be a little different.
season 5, day 0:
- won't make it to lv. 48 during his career
- plays in BBB; probably won't make it to AA because that's where he's up to competition

season 6, day 0:
- plays in A; will make it to the PRO-leagues

Slowbuilding is a contest of avoiding competition for some. For others, it's a way of competing with the best.

Show me a C at level 60 who will be significantly better than his level 48, and I'll agree.

I can't even justify spending the cash to boost a C after level 48, personally. I'll do a crude projection to level 48 on my slowbuilt C.

I don't own custom..

currently lv 39: 109 str, 86 blk, 26 spd, 64 agi, 29 sta, 62 vis, 49 conf, 8 line gen, 1-2-0-0-0 bottom SAs

projected lv 48: 120 str, 89 blk, 50 spd, 68 agi, 38 sta, 63 vis, 50 conf, 8 line gen, 3-10-0-0-0 bottom SAs

Would you really pay to boost after that? For what? What is going to drastically improve by boosting, or even getting to, level 60? At the C position?


That is why, for me, I'd rather sit a player out for a season or two who doesn't really need their last few levels, and play consistently better throughout your entire career, but cut it short. The last few seasons aren't that great anyway, spending 3:1 minimum on a slightly relevant attribute or unproven SA, leveling at a snails pace and spending money to get over 50% of your skill points.
Last edited May 8, 2009 09:03:51
Don't compare apples and beans. My "traditional" slow build (= build to compete) will have at lv 48:

121 strength (100 natural +21 gear)
103 blocking (incl. blocking VA: 110 // 90 natural + 13 gear)
70 agility
50 speed
50 stamina (maybe only 40; then 55 speed)
vision/confidence... probably in the upper 20s

Pass Blocking Abilities: 1-1-2-4-8
Run Blocking Abilities: 0-0-0-0-4 add 60 Skill Points and around 20 Skill Points worth of training. I'd sure knew some spots where that's supposed to go. Don't forget to add the automatic level gains and that +4 gear upgrade either.

Now if there's someone that might show me the advantage of sitting out 4 seasons for that "super-dooper-slow-build" (= slow building to avoid competition) and thowing away those 60 Skill Points?

Last edited May 8, 2009 09:37:42
Since my threads on these players always turn into pissing contests, I've gone ahead and used the TGP Player Builder and projected for your amusement.

Projected for level 48 (Center only):

94.48 str (+34 from eqp including custom= 128 str)
92.48 blk
69.28 agi
69.28 vis
52.28 con
49 spd
41.28 stam

Dunno what VAs I'll choose yet so I didn't add that.

30 SP available(probably invested toward LG), 25 BT available(whatever AEQ I find later on)

1 boost is available, beginning of his 10th season... so in other words he gets to play one season with these stats before any stat deterioration; tbh they were good enough a few seasons before this
Originally posted by RAPB
Slowbuilding is a contest of avoiding competition for some. For others, it's a way of competing with the best.

Just fyi
1. You will always have competition the way this game is built, unless you specifically try to find a league for ex pro players to go against level 28s
2. If you have "no competition" that makes you the best anyway.
So gg.
I'm still amazed at the number of people who don't get the slowbuild concept (not the OP, obv!).
Last edited May 9, 2009 00:28:31
I believe the OP was a superslowbuild who sat out for a couple of seasons.
It would actually be interesting to hear from one of the teams in my league on this matter; they have an entire team of super slow built players (in the exact same fashion as mine) including defense.
There's also an owner who built an entire defense himself:
The team's link is here if anyone's interested in looking at it:
I'm not sure the offense is built quite as well as mine, but maybe I'm biased. They're built more in the direction of getting pancakes (high strength likely, and secondary emphasis on blk/agi)
FWIW there's no chance in hell I'm boosting my S1 center next season... and honestly, I kind of regret boosting this season... although I suppose it'll be nice to get level 56 equipment. And when you factor in that this was a S1 guy and as a result isn't the epitome of efficient building, getting to level 60 isn't really all that important. Considering that VP for O-line is pretty weaksauce as well, I'd say that level 48 is all you really need from your O-line when built in the "right" way. At the super high levels gear is more important than the +5 sp to meh secondaries, anyways.
Originally posted by Octowned
I believe the OP was a superslowbuild who sat out for a couple of seasons.

Help. I'm lost in the terminology.

What are the differences between cap-focussed building, slow building and superslow building?
cap focused can be a slowbuild, if you train attribute A then cap it (whoard skill points for optimal training value)
cap focused I believe is train B while you cap A, then train C while you cap B, etc. (you're never whoarding ANY skill points, but still focused on caps)
super slowbuilding is when you sit out for a few seasons and ONLY train
cap focused slow build is intense train tho, so...

train A & B till A is 25+, and you have enough SPs to hit 1st cap
(don't need to horde past 1st cap cause you want auto leveling points to help get you to the second cap)
add SP to A up to target cap while training B & C
add SP to B up to target cap while training C & D

depending on how high you are capping and how high you want to train, you may move on in your training sequence to like C & D while still adding SPs to A.

eventually once you've trained everything relevant to at least 25, you can switch your training to the ones that are 2nd capped, since you gain the most equivalent SP value from training at <25 then the second most at >60.

(and of course use the training progress bar to 95+% before you add SPs, then train once after you cap to get the extra point.)

at least that's my understanding of the basic cap focused approach, which I think has the best balance of short and long tern play. You can be decent pretty quickly while optimizing your training, auto level points and SPs for the long term. And it's not strictly cookie cutter, as you can alter the order of your caps and which caps you go to in order to focus your build and play style.
Last edited May 12, 2009 04:53:20

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