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Originally posted by Bort

I do not have a firm number set in stone right now as to how fast you will decline, which is why I haven't said anything about that.

Decline will start with a 1 season plateau in the player's 10th season, to the day. This is where you will stop receiving SP. You will still get VP's, though. After that plateau season, your attributes will start to decline. You will be able to fight it some by training and such, but eventually it will not be possible to keep up. My current inclination is to aim for 13 - 14 seasons or so to be that point, and you probably won't want to play him much any more after 15-16, but it's all up to you of course when you want to hit the "retire" button.

This is promising imo for a few reasons - 1) he claims to be carrying through with the retirement process, which is a win in and of itself 2) players stop getting skill points after their 10th season, which will impact his cash flow. no sense in boosting if you don't get anything from it. this reinforces his stance on the subject, as it will directly affect his money. 3) players will decline on the 10th season to the day - not sure what to make of this, not sure what I expected the answer to be.

So, in theory, season 11 will still be worth keeping a player as he wouldn't have lost much at that point, if anything. He stops getting skill points, so the guys 1 season behind him have finally caught up and are on 'even' footing. Season 12 and on makes it harder to justify keeping a player, especially since the guys 2-4 seasons behind him have caught up and in theory should be superior based on better build tactics/slow builds.

Hopefully he carries through with this. It's a good sign that he addressed it
Many a tear has to fall
But it's all
In the game.

Good news this.
Out with the old and in with the new.
Moar info, again stolen -

Originally posted by bort

I'm kinda on the fence about allowing boosting after decline starts. I guess I'll probably allow it so you can fight off some of the effects of aging more if you want, but it would be sorta up to you if you would want to.

You'd just stop getting SP from leveling up.

I don't feel as positive about that one. It makes sense from a business standpoint in that people in love with their players can keep him around a little longer by giving Bort money - if it were my game, I'd be in favor of this - but it means extending a players effectiveness a few more seasons, like till season 13-ish. Difficult to say for sure without hard facts.
I am still not 100% certain that Bort won't pull the plug after season 10, refund flex points and make people start over.

I mean, it is only a beta, right? No one has spent that much money... right?
Originally posted by Meech
I am still not 100% certain that Bort won't pull the plug after season 10, refund flex points and make people start over.

I mean, it is only a beta, right? No one has spent that much money... right?

I'm actually a fan of this option, though it'll never happen. A level playing field would be cool.
i am mixed on that option. While a level playing field would be nice, I would like to see my team mature.

Originally posted by Sequtugh
Moar info, again stolen -

Originally posted by bort

I'm kinda on the fence about allowing boosting after decline starts. I guess I'll probably allow it so you can fight off some of the effects of aging more if you want, but it would be sorta up to you if you would want to.

You'd just stop getting SP from leveling up.

I don't feel as positive about that one. It makes sense from a business standpoint in that people in love with their players can keep him around a little longer by giving Bort money - if it were my game, I'd be in favor of this - but it means extending a players effectiveness a few more seasons, like till season 13-ish. Difficult to say for sure without hard facts.

If people are foolish enough to spend money to keep their alter ego's around then let them. All that they'll be doing is bailing a sinking boat with a teacup.When they start losing abilities and having to spend money to replace them it will just keep them level. Allowing younger players to catch up and/or exceed them.

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