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Just because i wanted four post in a row.
I don't think he was mocking. He just lost track of what his team name was this week.
Originally posted by MF3K
Originally posted by Boltz

lol jk

lol, was that our first season?

The bad news for you, not many teams have beat us twice.

Awww bruh, how you let em do that to ya bruh????
Originally posted by nbpoor
I don't think he was mocking. He just lost track of what his team name was this week.

Originally posted by Aholewanker
See, this is what I find interesting.

Boltz does what any LXA might/would do and he gets verbally attacked.

Any of the LXA guys do this and people just roll with it.

Double standards?

Not double standards at all. Boltz didn't do what any LXA member would do.....we don't disrespect our opponent like that (except for The U and a few others, but they asked for it) If we say anything about the outcome of a game, it is about how we either: (1) Laid waste to the opposition with our death ray or (2) Had a malfunctioning component of the death ray or (3) Good game.

That's not to say we aren't disrespectful in these forums....just when it comes to playing the game, we tend to follow customs and courtesies.

Lastly, if we did do what Boltz did, the rest of the league wouldn't just roll with it.
Last edited Apr 28, 2009 16:01:52
Originally posted by durakbane

Lastly, if we did do what Boltz did, the rest of the league wouldn't just roll with it.

No lie.
I even had a thread trying to petition to get me out of these forums last season.
Goat Father
Originally posted by driftinggrifter
While I'm on the subject.
Threads like this are not needed. It is or can be taken as a form of mockery.
There are a few different times where a GG thread should be made.

1: By a member of the losing team

2: By a member of the winning team during a nail biter of a game

3: When both teams are deadlocked for 3 qtrs and the fourth qtr decides the winner.

Never should a GG thread be made by the winning team when they win by 4 scores, much less against a team they outranked.

We might be assholes but we also have class and fun.

Integrity. Get some bitch!

well up until this season I posted good game threads to every team we faced win or lose. And there was no team that took what I said as a slap in the face or acted like I didn't show them respect you can tell a team that they had a great game even though you beat them down. I am not saying what Boltz did was right because he did it in a sort of disrespectful way but that is just the way I perceived it. He may not have meant it the way it read. But from the way Boltz has portraited himself this season I would have taken it as a slap in the face.
Originally posted by hatchman

well up until this season I posted good game threads to every team we faced win or lose. And there was no team that took what I said as a slap in the face or acted like I didn't show them respect you can tell a team that they had a great game even though you beat them down. I am not saying what Boltz did was right because he did it in a sort of disrespectful way but that is just the way I perceived it. He may not have meant it the way it read. But from the way Boltz has portraited himself this season I would have taken it as a slap in the face.


You perceived it right. All but the last last six words of his OP were a slap in the face. When MF3K then asked him what his point was, he replied, "we won; that is all." He did NOT reply anything like this: "I just wanted to tell my opponent "good game" in the spirit of good sportsmanship."

Personally, I think it is appropriate, if you so desire, to tell someone 'good game' regardless of score or outcome. Its just like shaking hands at the end of the game. It doesn't mean "close game" or anything else...its simply a show of respect. Is it expected in GLB? No. But using a good game thread to actually gloat is kind of like a Trojan horse.

Its really not a big deal since it is a 'virtual game', but thought I'd express my opinion on the matter anyway.
Last edited Apr 28, 2009 19:31:04
Goat Father
Originally posted by durakbane
Originally posted by hatchman

well up until this season I posted good game threads to every team we faced win or lose. And there was no team that took what I said as a slap in the face or acted like I didn't show them respect you can tell a team that they had a great game even though you beat them down. I am not saying what Boltz did was right because he did it in a sort of disrespectful way but that is just the way I perceived it. He may not have meant it the way it read. But from the way Boltz has portraited himself this season I would have taken it as a slap in the face.


You perceived it right. All but the last last six words of his OP were a slap in the face. When MF3K then asked him what his point was, he replied, "we won; that is all." He did NOT reply anything like this: "I just wanted to tell my opponent "good game" in the spirit of good sportsmanship."

Personally, I think it is appropriate, if you so desire, to tell someone 'good game' regardless of score or outcome. Its just like shaking hands at the end of the game. It doesn't mean "close game" or anything else...its simply a show of respect. Is it expected in GLB? No. But using a good game thread to actually gloat is kind of like a Trojan horse.

Its really not a big deal since it is a 'virtual game', but thought I'd express my opinion on the matter anyway.

I fully agree with you Boltz shows no class at all the way he comes across. I was just saying that not all owners are like Boltz and that some of us try to keep integrity in the game even though it is a bunch of dots doesn't mean we have to act like jerks or actually we can put a new name for the same meaning as jerks we can call it Boltzs.
Originally posted by hatchman
Originally posted by durakbane

Originally posted by hatchman

well up until this season I posted good game threads to every team we faced win or lose. And there was no team that took what I said as a slap in the face or acted like I didn't show them respect you can tell a team that they had a great game even though you beat them down. I am not saying what Boltz did was right because he did it in a sort of disrespectful way but that is just the way I perceived it. He may not have meant it the way it read. But from the way Boltz has portraited himself this season I would have taken it as a slap in the face.


You perceived it right. All but the last last six words of his OP were a slap in the face. When MF3K then asked him what his point was, he replied, "we won; that is all." He did NOT reply anything like this: "I just wanted to tell my opponent "good game" in the spirit of good sportsmanship."

Personally, I think it is appropriate, if you so desire, to tell someone 'good game' regardless of score or outcome. Its just like shaking hands at the end of the game. It doesn't mean "close game" or anything else...its simply a show of respect. Is it expected in GLB? No. But using a good game thread to actually gloat is kind of like a Trojan horse.

Its really not a big deal since it is a 'virtual game', but thought I'd express my opinion on the matter anyway.

I fully agree with you Boltz shows no class at all the way he comes across. I was just saying that not all owners are like Boltz and that some of us try to keep integrity in the game even though it is a bunch of dots doesn't mean we have to act like jerks or actually we can put a new name for the same meaning as jerks we can call it Boltzs.

+1 I fully agree
blah blah blah
Originally posted by Boltz
blah blah blah

Did someone hack into your account again?
You spelled a four letter word a consecutive string no less. Def had to of been hacked.
Last edited Apr 28, 2009 23:30:48
Originally posted by durakbane
Lastly, if we did do what Boltz did, the rest of the league wouldn't just roll with it.

If we did do what Boltz did, I'd slash my throat with a dull spoon.

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