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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #1 > Good luck Sonics
John Clancy
Our oldest rival. Have had some good games in the past. Looks like anyone's game.
Good Luck to you as well. This will be a good early test to see how far we have come. I really feel we got lucky last year when we beat you. If we can pull off another win this season I will feel like we might have a title shot this season.

Heres to a nail bitter!
It was definitely a nail biter! I'd have been bummed to be on the other side of that result with those last few plays. You guys probably should have won that one!
Originally posted by feelinfine
It was definitely a nail biter! I'd have been bummed to be on the other side of that result with those last few plays. You guys probably should have won that one!

Still it was alot of fun and we corrected the AI at the end of the half to kick field goals when we are in range. I hope to not see a repeat of that. GG!

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