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Forum > Canadian A Leagues > Canadian A #3 > 20 Questions with Alberta Mounties owner Brett Snyder
Originally posted by patd9876
On Wed. I had the opportunity to interview Mounties owner Brett Snyder. We played a little round of 20 Questions on his thoughts and comments for the upcoming season. Enjoy!

Two seasons ago the Mounties went 1-21. What has it been like rebuilding this team to championship caliber?

Ah, well.. It's great. It gives me confidence in a lot more areas when I can do something like that in such a short period of time. Really we were a top team last season. So, it only took us an off-season to rebuild.

With the departure of players like Bigg Tex and Trevor Fergason, do you feel like you guys have addressed these issues during the off-season?
Definitely, I feel we got better in both positions actually. We Moved Dolen to his original position at Right Tackle and got a Great Left Tackle in Brian Lowbydiezyseis. Also, we brought in a top rated FB on our board that we feel will be our feature back for a few good seasons. Those guys will be missed though, great talent.

Wayniac Maniac is the newest HB. What kind of an impact will he make?
Huge, he’s got speed and moves like no other. He’s got hands also, which is something we look for in all of our backs. So, he’s certainly a plus to the roster.

The Mounties went 25-2, the losses both coming to the Moose Jaw Grizzlies. If you were to face them tomorrow, would you match up?
Moose was a great team last season. Going undefeated isn't easy, everyone’s trying to bring you down, but Moose has a great owner and an explosive offense. Hard to stop. I can't say at the moment though, haven't played 1 game yet.

Last season the Mounties were 2nd overall in offense and defense, feel like you can repeat?
We definitely have the players, it all comes down to our will and hard work. If we continue to work hard, and play our game. I feel yes we could be a top offense and defense season 9.

Who do you think will be your MVP?
Well, that’s a tough one. We have so many play makers and big time guys that honestly I can't say one or the other. We will try to get mismatches and exploit the defenses all we can, but you never know, that’s a week to week thing.

What team poses the biggest threat in the Canadian A league #3?
Its got to be Moose Jaw. Went undefeated last season...same staff same core group of players. That team will be a contender, I think everyone is underestimating them, but we won't be far behind.

Which GM has been the most important?
Well honestly... I can't answer that question. Everyone on the staff is important and if i didn't have 1 guy, we wouldn't have anyone. Matt, does a lot of work with he special teams and is looking like a top Special Teams coach. Then calamnet... he’s just a great Defensive mind. He works just as hard and pays a lot of attention to detail. Great staff, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Do you plan on mixing up the tactics compared to last season?
Definitely, last season was the first season off of our rebuild. We had to play to our strengths and make sure we were punting players in places were they could use there strengths. This season we got a more open attack on Free Agency and got guys to fit our scheme. So, definitely, people will be surprised and what we can do when we got the pieces.

You guys have been ranked 2nd on the Western conf. rankings. Is that where you belong, lower, or do u deserve to be number 1?
It doesn't matter especially in before pre-season. This is THE most competitive league I've ever been apart of and I wouldn't be insulted by being at #5 or even #6... We are honored to be ranked #2

In a pre-season prediction, you were quoted as saying the Mounties would shadow the Grizzlies. Do you really believe that?
I wouldn't be surprised. Like I said before, great team.

Who’s been the biggest asset this off-season?
It’s got to be Delly. He brought a lot of guys over and sent out a good word on us. Helped restore the winning culture in Alberta. Truly... top notch agent.

What progress is being done with the team’s stadium?
The entire 200 section is finished. Next season we are looking to completely finishing the 300 section. We love having more fans to come and cheer us on, got to get a bigger house.

Two teams enter the new season with W20 streaks. Feel like you can break one, or both?
Hopefully, its a new season. They definitely won't go 20-0 again.

A direct quote from you, "Also, Thanks Matt for licking my butt." what’s that about? lol
Lol... He was giving me a lot of complements, and like he said, I like to kid around a lot.

Final words for the competition?
Be Prepared…

I love it great job!!!!!

I really am glad that Alberta and Moose Jaw are up here. They are helping to breathe new life into the forum. Now if we can only get some of those former BBB6 teams involved........
great stuff..... you guys are awesome.....

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