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Forum > Canadian A Leagues > Canadian A #4 > Proof that PhinPhan, LXA, and other loudmouths are good for league forums
Originally posted by driftinggrifter
Originally posted by GuruMan88

Originally posted by durakbane

Originally posted by GuruMan88

Originally posted by Bort

I am going add a code into the season 9 sim that will guarantee guruman88's avatar replaces the dots in the play-by-play replays


About damn time Bort did something useful

You kidding right?
He'll fuck that up just like he did with Fame and the first few tries of Endorsments. Watch, he'll code it to where we lose everygame on the scoreboard but still knotch the win. We all know Bort only does it half assed to begin with.

Yea bort only does the minimum effort it takes to get us to keep buying flex, of course I have managed to go without buying any since november
Originally posted by GuruMan88
See the Bootleggers is and more or less has been pretty dead, but i have plenty of other forums to entertain me

Most of the agents are involved it so many teams and private forums that it is quiet, only posting team related stuff.

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