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Forum > Canadian A Leagues > Canadian A #3 > West pre season rankings
Gamecocks are too low. We'll be better this season. We finally had an offseason where we didn't have to COMPLETELY rebuild.
Originally posted by crowbar832001
Originally posted by jestix

Originally posted by crowbar832001

lol. It wasn't you I was talking about, Adamsfore, it was before you. Even when I wanted to be angry at you you made me laugh. I consider you one of my better friends on GLB and could never talk badly about you. I'm glad we didn't move up last season like we probably should have if we were not upset in the first round because I think I would miss you......*sniff* *sniff*

Ill let you bring your crowbars to the game if we can bring our wands

I just feel out of my chair laughing at this. I was picturing 300+ lineman walking up to the line of scrimmage with little wands in their hands.

I just about fell out of my seat reading your response because i never even thought about that.
alot of teams have gotten better since the rankings

My team, the mounties (54 to 60) and some other teams have improved quite a bit

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