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Forum > Position Talk > O Line Club > Octowned's Run Supporting C Guide
Octowned's Run Supporting C Guide


This guide utilizes, in my opinion, the best SP and training route to achieve optimal performance at the C position throughout your career. The general build philosophy is to NEVER train anything for poor value, and to never spend points on an attribute or SA that isn't proven to improve player performance.

My opinion of optimal build may differ from yours, but I think the end result here is undeniably better than anything anybody is even CLOSE to on GLB right now.

Most level statements / training times are approximate, though I think pretty accurate in general.

1) Roll for all 8s. Get blocking as low as possible.

2) Train strength + blocking until level 3, and leave the training bar 95% full or higher.
level 3: 49 + 3 SP (estimate based on your roll)

3) Train blocking + agility for a long time. Continue adding in strength until 77.
level 4: 50 + 8 SP = 54
level 5: 55 + 5 SP
level 6: 56 + 10 SP = 61
level 7: 62 + 5 SP
level 8: 63 + 10 SP = 66 + 1 SP
level 9: 67 + 6 SP = 68 + 3 SP
level 10: 69 + 8 SP = 71
level 11: 72 + 5 SP = 73 + 1 SP
level 12: 74 + 6 SP
level 13: 74 + 11 SP = 76 + 1 SP
level 14: 77 + 6 sp = 78 + 1 SP, fill-bar = 79 + 1 SP

4) After blocking reaches 34 + 95% bar, alternate training between agility + speed and agility + stamina, keeping speed approximately two points above stamina.

5) Apply SP in blocking to 68.
level 16: 49
level 17: 50 + 5 SP
level 18: 51 + 10 SP
level 19: 52 + 15 SP = 59 + 1 SP
level 20: 60 + 6 SP = 61 + 4 SP = 62 + 1 SP
level 21: 63 + 6 SP = 65
level 22: 66 + 5 SP (cash-in for bonus tokens to finish this off now) = 68 + fill bar = 69
(strength will be at 79+8=87 by now)

6) After agility reaches 34 + 95% bar, switch training to vision + confidence

7) Apply SP in agility to 60 (7 levels)

8) After vision and confidence reach 34, switch training to speed + stamina

9) Apply SP in vision to 60, confidence to 48, agility to 68, in order of your pleasing (all get the same natural gains and are done training, so it doesn't really matter) (7 levels, 3 levels, 4 levels respectively)

Steps 7-9 incur 21 levels, putting our current build at level 43.

The natural str/blk gains will be..
22-30: +6
30-38: +4.5
38-43: ~2
= +12.5

Putting our base attributes at...
Strength: 99.5
Blocking: 81.5
+15% VAs on both gives
Strength: ~114
Blocking: ~93
Level 40 equip and custom gives +30 more as you please.

Level 43 effective build:

Strength: 134
Blocking: 103
Agility: 69
Vision: 62
Confidence: 50
Speed: 35
Stamina: 35
SAs: none

10) Finishing touches:

SP: Stamina to 48, Speed to 60, SAs: 1-1-1-2-4 top tree + AEQ on line general + custom -> 9 line general, 3-6-6-0-0 bottom tree. The order at this point is up to how you want to develop the build, and really irrelevant in terms of "value."

Training: Always train "recently capped" options to retain maximum training value.


Discussion of training route (particularly the early divergence to agility + speed, agility + stamina):
-I prefer to take strength straight up to let blocking get maximal training time. The ideal roll will have very low blocking (<13) and you'll really milk a lot out of it.
-Diverging to agility + speed, agility + stamina accomplishes a few things: It leaves vision and confidence equal, which will be a LONG training pair, and you dont want one to reach 34 when the other is still at 28 or something. Also, you want to keep speed a little higher than stamina because stamina gets natural gains, and again your goal is to have both reach 34 around the same time.


How I would finish the build:

10) Apply SP in speed to 49. Continue to train Speed + Stamina (yes, even though stamina is above the dreaded 34, I really don't care about training agility anymore despite it getting more "value" after you multiply by 4). (level 46)

11) Now do SAs as outlined above; 11124 36600 (level 55)

12) Train Speed + Stamina until Stamina reaches 40. Switch to Vision + Confidence

13) Apply SP in Speed to 60 (level 59)

Including level 56 equip (+8 more), custom, and natural gains from 43 to 60, and moving VA to agility, here is how I vision this build:

Strength: 145
Blocking: 108
Agility: 80
Speed: 61
Vision: 64
Confidence: 53
Stamina: 40


Another potential build would be to switch the logic of line general and pancake, and take VA from agility toward "showboat blocker," and move more equip to strength and your custom to run blocking tree, and 2 AEQ on pancake. This would be more of a pancake machine than all around build like above:

Strength: 155
Blocking: 98
Agility: 70
Speed: 61
Vision: 64
Confidence: 53
Stamina: 40
15 "showboat blocker"
Last edited Apr 12, 2009 02:21:56
Those are some pretty sexy attributes, although I'd prefer taking Blocking to 77.29, as well.
Certainly reasonable, at the expense of some SAs or speed
Yeah, because seriously, fuck SAs.
Point 1: If you get the right roll, you should be able to softcap Stength at level 2, especially if you create the player on day 41

Point 2: I'm unsure how much you gain taking Strength and Blocking beyond the 67.97 point softcap compared to how much longer it will take you to complete the build.*

Point 3: The most efficient order for capping attributes is Strength, Blocking, Agility, Vision, Confidence, Stamina, Speed. When you start putting points into an attribute, you can always train the next two. Yes, it leaves your player slower for longer, but the aim is to get the best build when complete.

Point 4: After Strength and Blocking, it's probably most efficient to first-cap agility, vision, and confidence before returning to 2nd-cap Agility and Vision and 3rd-cap Agility.

Point 5: See-sawing Strength and Blocking will gain you more on Blocking than you lose on Strength, so it should always be considered. Although I must confess, I usually don't see-saw for Centers.

Having said all that, I would certainly give a Center built your way a place on my team!

* EDIT - comparing my level 22 Center who only 3-capped Strength and Blocking, he is 81/73 at level 22, compared to your theoretical 89/69, but he has already softcapped Agility and has 6 SPs towards capping Vision.
Last edited Apr 13, 2009 08:08:57
See-Sawing anything that gets .5 or more points in their major attributes every level up is approximately equivalent to failure.
stats past 120 haven't been shown to do anything
Originally posted by Darkstrand
stats past 120 haven't been shown to do anything

Evidence? I've never had a player on a team of mine with over 120 in anything, including equip/VAs, so I have no observations of this. Rather, a quote from bort saying over 100 behaves no differently than any other range, so I just assume the more the merrier!
Originally posted by Octowned
Originally posted by Darkstrand

stats past 120 haven't been shown to do anything

Evidence? I've never had a player on a team of mine with over 120 in anything, including equip/VAs, so I have no observations of this. Rather, a quote from bort saying over 100 behaves no differently than any other range, so I just assume the more the merrier!

Only SAs have diminishing returns. But I agree with the others, third cap or fourth should be enough.
Originally posted by Frycicle
Originally posted by Octowned

Originally posted by Darkstrand

stats past 120 haven't been shown to do anything

Evidence? I've never had a player on a team of mine with over 120 in anything, including equip/VAs, so I have no observations of this. Rather, a quote from bort saying over 100 behaves no differently than any other range, so I just assume the more the merrier!

Only SAs have diminishing returns. But I agree with the others, third cap or fourth should be enough.

Only SA's over 10 for that matter....

I have a number of players with junk over 120 and they all perform as good as any player at their position.
I've seen comments on the 120 "limit" from people doing tests on speed, where a 127 speed is not noticeably different from a 120 in the pbp. However, I guess it's tricky to notice a 6% increase in speed, especially when other factors such as agility, in game breath and the like are not taken into account.

So, this 120 limit just seems to be a successful meme floating about the forums with no real basis whatsoever, and it is probably not worth taking it seriously.

The only thing I would pay attention to is the post from Bort on this page:

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