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Forum > Canadian A Leagues > Canadian A #3 > A Little Bit Of Informantion On The Moose Jaw Grizzlies.
The owner decides to trade my players and cut Hanyesworth and Williams, when I asked to be cut after he decides to go awul on me instead of handling things like an adult he trades me to teams with out offering my players new deals, this is the main reason I dont do long term deals. I did it this once becuase I thought we would be on good terms however thats not the case.

He accused me of many things last season to when we went undefeated such as giving game plans to the Alberta Mounties which is not the case yet he still dosent belive me.

I didnt do anything to get this treatment, I even created the team a website which can be seen here

I tryed keeping the teams forum as active as it could be with posting games such as my hill and etc yet he plays me like this.

I basically told him to stop going for bad built players and even helped to recuirt some players, but once I told him about the New RBs build being built to like garbage he went all crazy even though Earl brown last seasons RB is lower he has the better build.

Overal, the owner is not a good owner. He wants players that played there for more then one season to take pay cuts "Team Loyalty" and sign long term deals, however when you start to offer critism he back hands your players and deals them with out letting you have the choice to where you want to be dealt. So what Im saying is dont even bother playing for him. He makes GLB unenjoyable, he dosent award players that have been there since the rise of the team he will pay and sign FA's but he dosent award team players.

Thats it, and to all the players who signed to play with my players Im sorry, I tried to handle it in a mature adult like way but you cant win with that owner. And good luck to the Canda teams it was fun while it lasted.

well you had 2 players for the Mounties and 2 players for the Grizzles and now have none on either team. How was the Mounites leadership in this situation and why are not on that team anymore?
Last edited Apr 11, 2009 12:47:20
Originally posted by crowbar832001
well you had 2 players for the Mounties and 2 players for the Grizzles and now have none on either team. How was the Mounites leadership in this situation and why are not on that team anymore?

My players are not on there team beauce I was going to show my loatly to the Grizzlies and not have them resign to play for the mounties.
In defense of the Griz'; I WAS THE ONE WHO TOLD THEM YOU WERE SPEAKING TO MATTARCHY about getting him aboard the Griz to GM, and telling him how the Griz's "AI was messed up". So in fairness to that, I would boot you as well. It's fair to say that's 'sharing'.

Now for the rules end of this;

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Please keep this sort of nonsense out of the League Forum. The matter is between you and the Organization(s), not you, the Organization(s) and the League. It's just STUPID to have to read something like this in my opinion...I think it's time we grow up, accept what happened and move on, in fairness to some of us in the league who'd rather not hear your 'issues'.
Hey Candyass, I for one think this is weak. Maybe I wasn't there long (2 games actually), and I even had a bit of a disagreement with him when it came to something that was misinterpreted on the forum for all to see. But to come on here and call him out like this is just bush league. I had a good idea early on that my guy just wasn't good enough to stay on, and even when our stuff went down, I didn't dwell on it or get sophomoric. I thanked him for a chance, accepted that I needed to move on, and left it at that. I rarely, if ever come on here to the public forums, but I was curious to see what else had been said. It's a game dude. If you put a ton of money into it, then do better homework. I don't, so I'm fine with how my time there was spent.
Chad really does just want to win.

Played on several teams with him so, yeah we know each other pretty well. As far as giving away gameplans is concerned that's laughable. His loyalty seemed to lay with Moose from the beginning of the season which is why we (Alberta) had blocked him from the forum since the early part of the season.

I was shocked to see his players, especially his QB, leave the Grizzlies. Of course, as a Mountie GM, I'm secretly loving it.

Wchs may be a tough owner but I think the season 8 BBB# 5 championship trophy shows he's not a bad owner.

I wish both the best.
Brett Snyder
Yeah I was shocked aswell
Last edited Apr 12, 2009 11:12:47
I just ate a ham sandwich.

/thought you wanted to know
nice same here
A lot of controversy in the league this season.

I like it.

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