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Forum > Europe West > Europe West BBB Leagues > lvl 34 capped teams take a look!
Lvl 31 HB will boost beginning of season 9 has 5 SP unused right now giving 20 before the season starts.Already has CE and has equipment upgraded to lvl 24
Has 1 piece of advance equipment that is fully upgraded. 11 bonus tokens saved up and 9 VA into bruiser.Boost every season. Can do it all run,catch, and block and barely fumbles. Would like to start but have no problem with sharing carries since i've done it all his career.
Lvl 27 Guard, will boost to 30 when on new team, when season starts will boost to 33. Has 16 unused SP with the 30 coming from boosts will have 46 SP for season 9. If traded will buy custom equip giving 90+ str. Has one piece of advanced equipment and 8 bonus tokens saved up. 5 vet points into workout warrior with another saved up.
Looking for a right guard position but will play LG. Looking to start but will backup if needed.
Lvl 27 Tackle will be boosting beginning of season 9. Has custom equipment and advanced equipment. Looking to play in a lower league where the cap is in his range. Looking to start but will backup as well. Looking for the right tackle position.
lvl 26 LB with 3 boosts left for season 8 and then will boost again for season 9 making him lvl 32. 11 unused SP right now with the 30 gaining from boosts will be 41. Plan on softcapping Vision and then tackling. Putting SA points into glare,trash talk, snarl, and aura of INT. Wanting to play ROLB but will play any role, prefer to start but willbackup.
If traded to a team will buy Custom equipment. boost every season. has 5 VA points saved up will most likely put it into Intimidation.
Slowbuilt QB looking for a 21 capped league. Has custom equipment and will boost at the end of the season. signed to a sub 55k contract. pocket passing QB

Looking for cash offers for all players. ALL players are signed through season 9 with contracts LESS than 100k. no way you're going to find any players in the lvl 30 range that you'll be able to sign for less than 100k.
These are all my own players so there is no need to contact the agent asking if they want to be there or all that stuff since i am the agent, except for the tackle and QB which are my friends and they don't care either.
PM if you have any questions.
I think these guys may be interested

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