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What is the recommended speed for a pro level C? My 50 C has a speed in the mid 30s and I am thinking I should bring it to the first cap.
Try watching some games. Then you can watch your player and determine if more speed is needed.

If you prefer to listen to the advice of random strangers, then build your speed up to 60 to make insure you have enough and you will never be concerned about being too slow.
cap it will cover most of your opposition
I just don't get what you're spending your SP/training on at this point that your speed would still be so low... I'm sitting at 7th capped strength, 6th capped blocking, and 3rd capped agility at level 50, but still found time to get my speed to 50. I honestly don't think it's that important for a center... but then again, I also think it's more valuable than vision or confidence past the softcap.
I agree. I like speed around 50 for a C. Remember, a guy at L50 and only 50 speed is going to be far and away one of the slowest guy on the field. DT/NT at that level are at ~70 speed, with almost all of the rest of the defense at 80+ speed.

Folks think 50 speed is fast, but at L50, 50 speed is still really slow.
Originally posted by PackMan97
I agree. I like speed around 50 for a C. Remember, a guy at L50 and only 50 speed is going to be far and away one of the slowest guy on the field. DT/NT at that level are at ~70 speed, with almost all of the rest of the defense at 80+ speed.

Folks think 50 speed is fast, but at L50, 50 speed is still really slow.

A center the slowest player on the field? Imagine that.
With the defense's ability to line up off of the center next season, Cs will need more speed to engage the first block.. train it to 35 in your 30s, cap it in your 40s.
I actually believe that C's can use a lot of speed. I'm with FatLoad. Watch your dude and decide for yourself. Or go out and try to find faster guys and see how they do. What everyone seems to think is that C's are in the middle and have nowhere to go so they don't need to be fast. But if you watch them pass block, they aren't really boxed in by their teammates, so they do have room to maneuver.

For kicks, you can go through my two C's games most recent games. Declan has 50 spd, while Dexter only has 22. To make it easier, they are on the same team. Maybe this will give you an indication of whether you think one does better than the other.
(I'm not sure to be honest, but I don't think Dexter capped his agi until recently either, so his agi might have been around 30 instead of it's current level).

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