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Forum > Canadian A Leagues > Canadian A #8 > "A" League Invitational - Season 9 Tourney
32 best teams from all regions based on roster not previous record will get in.
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Winnipeg's been defending Canada A8's honor so far. We're into the Final 4 with a chance to advance to the championship game on Friday.

Round 1:
Round 2:

America's hat doin' work!
Winnipeg will be playing in the Championship game after beating Montana

Zulk and the Winnipeg team showed ZERO class, ran the same play 80% of the game, and your arguement for "learn to stop" the play has NO baring in this, as it's a SIM. Any owner/team/agent with any class knows to mix up the playcalling and to NOT take advantage of the SIM, which you did. I normaly NEVER complain about anything, even the SIM, but this really erked m, as ZULK didn't think he had dont anything at all wrong. Continue to use plays like that to exploit the sim, and you will soon realize nobody on here likes you. Enjoy.
dam you bitch a lot. take your ball and go home..
I really don't understand that argument. This is GLB, not real football. People should expect stuff like this. I understand that I'm on a different side than from where this owner is coming from, but I know that I would accept that this is how the game operates, and that if one play can defeat your entire gameplan, you should rethink your gameplan.
Actually, my scouting program says it was more like 60% and it wouldn't have been nearly as effective if you had put a LB or S on our HBs.
and my favorite...

If you blitz that much, you better make sure all your bases are covered. To quote our OC from our gameplan thread...
Originally posted by
From what I noticed, they lack personnel on the left side of the field on Strong-I plays. Most times on those same plays, they'll blitz heavily and the FS will drop WAY back:

If I saw a team leaving a TE uncovered, you better believe I'm going to take advantage of it. I just wish I had done a little better job setting up the defense...I gave up way too many rushing yards.
I am the DC of the Grizzlies and I just re-checked over all of my created plays. Not 1 of them left the HB uncovered however I do have a possible answer for him being uncovered so much. I did read somewhere on the forum where vision might be an issue in man coverage. My AI was set up as Man HB or zone/blitz should the HB not go into a route. So my only response is either the player was to far away from the HB to recognize that he was going into a route maybe a vision issue or it did some sort of check at play start and didn't see him as running a route. We haven't had this problem all season yet and your not the only team to throw to the backs vs. us. I'm going to keep looking at the plays maybe move players closer to the back tell players to up vision or just look over the forum for a similiar bug.

I'm not totally upset with you guys doing it. It just makes me angry that with GLB if you can find 1 play that works and run it most of the time there is nothing that can be done to stop it. The I-Form run for instance which was openly accepted as unfair.

My only way to get over this game is realizing we only lost by 7 points.
Edited by IronMike on May 15, 2009 18:58:23
I just watched the rest of the game and it wasn't nearly as bad as I was expecting to see based on what I heard.

There was just as many times our MLB Blitzer broke up or stopped that HB pass for 0-3 yards or deflected it for incompleteness. He started to lag behind I think our special team TDs kept the D on the field longer as well.
Hi, I'm the OC of the team. Honestly the play didn't work that well with one of our players, "Allday Everyday Baby:"

It was our other HB that made the play special. Wendell is simply a great player and he accentuated the play's success because of it. (MLB gets stunned - juke maybe) (same thing as above link)

Anyways, I just game planned you guys and decided to use it because I thought it best capitalized on your defensive tendencies. I noticed you overplay to the right, so that's why I went with the Cross-Up. Your A.I. didn't change (much) from your last regular season match versus your last tourney game, so I took a gamble and hoped the left would be vacant again. Thankfully I was right. Rest assured I picked this play with the best sense of strategy in mind. It was not my intention to exploit the sim, but rather exploit your defense and I see nothing wrong with that. If you'd like, I can even share my game plan topic I made in the Winnipeg private forum, dissecting your depth chart, our options, your tendencies, etc.

You have to understand your team had us out-leveled. If we tried to out-muscle you in a passing or running contest, we would have no doubt lost. I would love to try different plays, but unfortunately there is no custom offense and the number of HB passes to the left are very limited. Almost all HB passes are to the right and that wouldn't have worked because you guys favor the right side. I also can't flip plays. If someone's to blame, Bort is for the lack of play selection. Seriously, look through the playbook. The lack of HB pass routes to the left is dreadful.

Anyways, it was a good match for both teams. You also got two special team TD's on us too, so that was awesome for you guys. You have a great team. Good luck to you in the rest of the regular season.

Edited by ReMeDy on May 15, 2009 20:01:41
Edited by ReMeDy on May 15, 2009 19:47:41
Winnipeg prides itself on having what we feel are two of the best OCs and DCs in the game. It's not exploitation, it's them scouting and gameplanning their asses off that make us a successful team, and I think I speak on behalf of zulk and the entire Winnipeg Warriors roster when I say that we are so very fortunate to have two coordinators this committed to winning. The level of competition we have faced in this tournament is a testament to that, albeit all being just a bunch of scrimmages that don't affect what teams are really striving to do.

It was a great game, and we are honored to have been given the chance to test our mettle against a team that has been around as long as and of the caliber of yours.
there were plays in tecmo bowl that everyone ALWAYS ran against each other...that was how you played. the fact that we are even talking about this is very funny to me.
Hey guys, Meatbomb from the Carolina Bar Stars here. GG in the championship Winnipeg. You guys did a great job to largely negate the "Taylor factor" that has bedeviled a lot of our opponents this year. We feel lucky to have won and lift our glasses up to as very worthy and very well coached opponent. Best of luck to you guys in finishing of that A league trophy this season and continuing on into the future.
Originally posted by MeatBomb
Hey guys, Meatbomb from the Carolina Bar Stars here. GG in the championship Winnipeg. You guys did a great job to largely negate the "Taylor factor" that has bedeviled a lot of our opponents this year. We feel lucky to have won and lift our glasses up to as very worthy and very well coached opponent. Best of luck to you guys in finishing of that A league trophy this season and continuing on into the future.

To avoid Raphael, we basically ignored the entire strong side of the field, but even having done this, he forced two fumbles (although one was on special teams). On the other fumble, ironically, it would have been better had Run Thru not broken through the defenders because he gave Taylor a chance to smack him:

Sometimes, even when the play developed to the weak-side, Raphael had the speed to be in on it, so avoiding him was difficult:

I didn't want to use the Cross-Up cause I knew your team would expect it, but on the other hand, I didn't want to pass to the right side of the field with Taylor. I did the math and I figured Taylor force fumbles an average of 1 out of every 3 tackles, so we couldn't afford the risk. Unfortunately, all the best pass plays are to the right, but I'd rather risk a botched pass to the left than a force fumble to the right. This is why I chose singleback formation runs to the left, since it forces Raphael to the left side of the field on a cover 2. Even that was hit or miss though, so yea nothing much we could do. Plus your defensive personnel outmatched us, so we couldn't afford a pass-happy offense. I could go on forever, but trust me when I say I examined all of Winnipeg's options =).

Sign that Taylor guy to a 6-season contract cause he's something special. Even when we made an effort to avoid him, he still performed. Good luck to your team in the future.

Edited by ReMeDy on May 22, 2009 23:54:16
Edited by ReMeDy on May 22, 2009 23:51:32
Edited by ReMeDy on May 22, 2009 23:50:58
Originally posted by MeatBomb
Hey guys, Meatbomb from the Carolina Bar Stars here. GG in the championship Winnipeg. You guys did a great job to largely negate the "Taylor factor" that has bedeviled a lot of our opponents this year. We feel lucky to have won and lift our glasses up to as very worthy and very well coached opponent. Best of luck to you guys in finishing of that A league trophy this season and continuing on into the future.

Man, fuck that guy. lol

I remember the Bar Stars from my days in AA4 w/ the Cincinnati Shockers. I think you guys were just starting out back then. Best of luck in clawing your way back up the ranks.
Edited by joemiken on May 24, 2009 09:29:18

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