This K has been SUPER slow built, meaning TRAINING ONLY, no gametime, no boosting, ONLY training. Please check out his numbers. I boost my players, and get them equipment, but this guy has nothing equipped/bought yet. This is a PERFECT addition to a L13 capped team!
Please note, because it has been MULTIPLE seasons dedicated to super slow building, and because his skills are noticeable higher than even-level opponents, I am REQUIRING a higher salary and signing bonus, otherwise I can just keep super slowbuilding.
If you want a big boost to your L13 team, send a serious offer and get a monster! I also have a super slow build L11 DE if you're interested in getting them both. I do prefer keeping players on the same team when possible.
- H
Please note, because it has been MULTIPLE seasons dedicated to super slow building, and because his skills are noticeable higher than even-level opponents, I am REQUIRING a higher salary and signing bonus, otherwise I can just keep super slowbuilding.
If you want a big boost to your L13 team, send a serious offer and get a monster! I also have a super slow build L11 DE if you're interested in getting them both. I do prefer keeping players on the same team when possible.
- H