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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #2 > Championship Game
I'm not bi polar. You guys are just too much fun. Bootlickers disgust you? Not me.... it has given my two championships. The teams from AA sure don't feel that way neither. We've done nothing to make you be disgusted towards us, just a little smack talk here and there. Nothing bad like what Washington caps did here. So STFU and go suck off a horse.
Originally posted by SSlayton10
Originally posted by willie2604

Think of it this way -- you play a practical joke on someone that you find hilarious. I play the same practical joke and you call me an asshole for doing the same exact thing. How stupid is that?

If it's fine once, it's fine any other time. At least by your standards.

Personally, I didn't like the gameplan and still don't like that we did it. But at the same time, I can understand why it was done was done as well.

Or think of it this way. I play a practical joke on you in RL during a weekend that we are doing nothing, lets say I wet your shoes then stick them in the freezer. You got pranked, but it didn't hurt you because you didn't have anything planned for that least nothing big.

So 2 weeks goes by, and I have a big career interview. I wake up to see my dress shoes missing, only to find them stuck in the freezer.

You are the type of person that makes practical jokes not fun, because you like to take them too far huh?

Either way, hypocritical says it all...and apparently bipolar for Lildawg. WTF?

You did it to us.... bootleggerz did it to them (I didn't say we). No biggie, championship game, regular season game who cares.

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