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Originally posted by PrizzlePulse
Originally posted by Octowned

Good game, Prague. Not enough talent on our team, as we scouted many hours both sides of the ball, you did exactly what we planned for, our offense ran precisely as planned, and we still couldn't pull the ball down or pick up the yards when needed! Guess we're stuck in this shithole another season, as London won

If you guys are wanting to get promoted I would recommend PMing support, its what I did before the Lisbon game asking to be promoted if I were to beat the Crusaders. Max Zorin PM'ed me telling me he forwarded it to Bort, I guess we might not have to worry about promotion now, but its worth the try if you want to be promoted.

I'll do this. I might ask to go to like A2 or something lower, and just point to the quality of BBB1 compared to BBB16. Look at those lower BBB leagues - the top 4 in our league would win the championships over there no problem, lol.
It feels good to be able to say that the Barcelona Bulls are in the category of the "top 4" of this league
Vagrant God
I agree that the pick six was the nail in the coffin. When I watched that, I knew we were going to win.
Originally posted by Undead Merchant
I agree that the pick six was the nail in the coffin. When I watched that, I knew we were going to win.

Yeah, pretty much. Well, the thing about playoffs is confidence. As a slowbuild team, I think you can imagine where our confidence is at.

Even from an unbiased perspective, I think it was pretty clear the entire tempo of the game shifted after that play. We were trading drives, and were a drop away from the lead before that, halfway through the game, then it just got ugly. And looking over our roster after the game, it wasn't a stamina issue.
Originally posted by PrizzlePulse
Good Game Manchester, say what you want about us rushing that many times, but seems you guys did not respect our rushing game by keeping your safeties deep and we tried to take advantage of it. As for your offense, you guys passed more than I thought you would, I loaded up the box to stop your rushing attack and you guys burnt us on the passing game, especially ones to the HB. Our CBs played great though, we have the best CB group in this league so i trusted them to play man to man and they came up with stops. The HB Screen from the I Formation was a good call from your guys input, I did not see you guys pass much from the I on first down so I blitzed the CB2, it cost us a TD once and brought a negative gain the other time.

Good luck Prague.

Good game and good luck in the future.
Looks like it's us and you Prague

Good Game Prague, very good WRs you guys have, were able to catch passes over our CBS and catch the deflected passes. Also had the ability to break away from double coverage by CBs, GL in the championship game .
Vagrant God
Good game Pulse. Very close one that may have came down to late turnovers.

Now, time to see if we can get a Zeta team the league trophy...
Originally posted by Undead Merchant
Good game Pulse. Very close one that may have came down to late turnovers.

Now, time to see if we can get a Zeta team the league trophy...

Good game Prague, you guys made Kratos cough up his one and only fumble all season long and it was a game changer in the 4th qtr..Nice work...I will be pulling for ya in the Championship game : )

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