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The Hitman
We benched him because he whined about playing time and then said he wanted to leave. We blocked his forum access because he flamed his teammates. He is not a team player, he does not care if the team he is on wins or loses, he only cares about his stats. He is what is wrong about GLB and it is people like him that will mean the demise of this game if we end up with more of his type than the 'good guys' that care about winning.

....and he hasn't been benched for some time now if anyone cares to look in the 'custom slots' because, contrary to what this ass-hat thinks, we do want to win and put the best players on the field in the playoffs. We just didn't want him there in the regular season because we are trying to build an offense and we can't do it around a whiner that only wants to leave.
DDJSoDope :3
Originally posted by Steelrain72
Originally posted by DDJesus

What a bunch of cunts, I hope Samoa commits die

Great English skills here! Loper was never benched! That's all I will say about it!


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