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Ok guys, this will mark the beginning of the voting process for these awards. Here is how it will go down:

Voting Rules:
1. The voting process will take place as 2 parts. The first part of this voting process is the general vote. The second part will be the owner/designated GM vote (just in case the owner isn't available to or chooses not to take part).

2. The general vote is open to everyone within this league. You MUST choose 3 people for the positions you are going to vote for but you don't have to vote for every position if you choose not to (although it will be much appreciated if you do). When voting, you must rank them in order for who you think is the best.
1st place vote = 3 points
2nd place vote = 2 points
3rd place vote = 1 point

3. When voting, 1 of the 3 votes MUST be from the opposite conference (you can indicate this with a * next to the name). This is to help ensure a thorough voting system so that way there is recognition on both sides.

4. You should submit them via PM to me so that way I can keep track of them a lot easier than in a forum. You won't need to create your own form as I have one posted below with all the various positions.

5. The first round of voting will conclude after the first round of playoff games. That way there is enough time for the 2nd round of voting to determine the overall winners. The 2nd round will just display the top 5 players for each category and the owners will vote for 2 at that point in time(no conference restrictions).

My goal is to make this a kind of awards ceremony write up so that the anticipation for the winners of each award can build up and each player get the proper recognition they deserve. This will depend largely in part to how many forms were submitted. Should there be a tie in any votes, the tie-breaker will be key stats for that player.


Awards voting form

Offensive Awards:

Traditional Awards
Best QB:
Best HB
Best FB
Best WR
Best TE
Best T
Best G
Best C
Best K
Best P
Best KR
Best PR


Best backups
Best backup QB:
Best backup HB
Best backup FB
Best backup WR
Best backup TE
Best backup T
Best backup G
Best backup C

Most underrated player (All positions)
Best dual threat

Defensive Awards

Best DE
Best DT/NT
Best LB
Best CB
Best FS
Best SS


Best backups
Best backup DE
Best backup DT/NT
Best backup LB
Best backup CB
Best backup FS
Best backup SS
Most underrated players (all positions)
Best dual threat

Team Based Awards

Best offense
Best defense
Best Special Teams
Team owner of the Year
GM of the Year
OC/DC of the year

Biggest upset team
Best DB core
Best LB core
Best D-line core
Best O-line core
Best RB/FB combo
Best Receiving core


Again I hope you will all take the time out to vote for these awards so that way we can recognize the players and teams who deserve them.

Remember, PM to me your responses so that way I will have an easier time tracking them and tallying them up. Good luck to all the teams going into the playoffs this season!
Last edited Mar 27, 2009 10:21:11
I have only received 1 ballot so far. If I don't get anymore then I won't worry about putting this together.
Is there a closure date on this?
well up to this point I still have only received 1 ballot so it probably won't happen. The initial closure date was supposed to be tonight, but I guess I will extend it to the end of the 2nd round of playoffs. The reason why I cut it there is so that I have time to put everything together (should more people decide to participate) as well as post it before the relegation/promotion phase.

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