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Originally posted by Djevik
Originally posted by snakesplace

WOW BBB Goes down again its anyones game, the playoffs are up for grabs for 11 or 12 teams what a conference.

We cant seem to do crap right at the moment. Both Defense and Offense collapsed that game. Good time to play us next Calgary, we suck

NAC just blasted us 30-6. We have our work cut out for us, lol.
Originally posted by regoob2
Originally posted by Djevik

Originally posted by regoob2

Good game BBB. Game went down to the last drive. You guys have a great team.

Appreciate it, we definitely didnt take you lightly, or anyone but the knights for that matter, but we certainly did expect to win and play better than that. You guys beat us straight up, no trickery or overwhelming bad gameplanning, I think thats what makes it more bitter for me!.

Good Game man, now make the playoffs so we can play again!

I hope so. Im our DC and I loved the game plan I had and you guys still almost won in the last 2 mins.

Im our OC and I didnt like your gameplan

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