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Forum > Canadian A Leagues > Canadian A #3 > WC game 11 power rankings 3/18
Holy running back, Batman! I just hope that every team in the conference doesn't start doing that.

I'm not the final say on my team, nor am I the OC, but I think I can safely say we won't be running an offense like that.

I'm inclined to give Dan and willyf the benefit of the doubt on this one. They didn't do this to any other team, this won't likely even get them in the playoffs at this point, and I don't see any reason why they'd choose crowbar's team to pick on.

If the Heads beat us and the Hunters advance to the second round of the playoffs, then this could have cost them a home game. Unless those two things happen, this likely won't have any effect on the way this conference shakes out.
wow, the eskimo went down by the mavs! got to be the upset of the second half of the season!

I guess I would be upset if I were crowbar but I really dont see anything wrong with running every down from the strong I... in fact, I think the nighthawks did that to us in S6 and thats how they beat us. I didnt even think runs from the Strong I were still a problem/unstoppable as they once were in the past seasons. consider it cheap or not, and unless its a glitch im missing, you gotta give it to the mavericks... the 3-4 has never been that successful at middle run stopping unless you got the right blitzing called, and from what I saw the yellowknife did no blitzing against that play... but i understand how crow would be depressed, blitzing or not a play shouldnt be that consistent, right?

looks like the guy who said never to underestimate the mavericks was on spot.
Cat's out of the bag on a few things that happened in that game, so I won't feel too bad about talking about them here in the forum.

I looked at the Mav's last scrimmage game. They indeed went run-heavy in that scrim. Assuming that they installed the same AI for this game, I'd say they were just trying to vary their tactics and be competitive, not exploit a fault in the sim. In that scrimmage, multiple formations were used and the Stong I was not even the most frequent one. They did get trashed in that game and the team they played is closer to the Hunters in makeup than the Mavs. Unless they're flat-out lying about using that offense, I don't think they planned to exploit the sim in that game. Sneaking in weapons, maybe, but I don't get the impression that these guys are liars or poor-sports.

As to the game itself, rushing up the middle is over-powered this season. Or maybe how the D-line matches up against O-linemen is faulty. There is a lot of good (and some not so good) speculation in that thread that crowbar linked to. Still, as Kite mentioned, the 3-4 isn't designed to stop rushes up the middle. I'll give the Mavs credit for changing things up. Of course, it shouldn't have been 95% of the time, but I do believe that's more the sim's doing than it was their intention or expectation.

Also, they managed to (as willyf mentioned) complete two passes for big-play TD's. They also held the Hunters to less points than our team was able to. I think they at least partially earned that win, even if the way the sim unfolded was certainly unfair to the Hunters. I don't blame crowbar for being a bit pissed, either. I would be too, even if I didn't think they were trying to cheat - which I don't.

But alas, I see a grudge match in the works in a couple of days. That will be interesting to see!
Thanks for the support guys, all that being said, we will not be running that same AI again.
I looked over the replay, and we did hit two big bombs to Robert, the one possesion we passed 3 times and ran three times. The 2nd TD was on 1st and 10, so you can see we did mix in passes, I just don't think we were in a situation to trigger them often enough.
Originally posted by MissingNola
Cat's out of the bag on a few things that happened in that game, so I won't feel too bad about talking about them here in the forum.

I looked at the Mav's last scrimmage game. They indeed went run-heavy in that scrim. Assuming that they installed the same AI for this game, I'd say they were just trying to vary their tactics and be competitive, not exploit a fault in the sim. In that scrimmage, multiple formations were used and the Stong I was not even the most frequent one. They did get trashed in that game and the team they played is closer to the Hunters in makeup than the Mavs. Unless they're flat-out lying about using that offense, I don't think they planned to exploit the sim in that game. Sneaking in weapons, maybe, but I don't get the impression that these guys are liars or poor-sports.

As to the game itself, rushing up the middle is over-powered this season. Or maybe how the D-line matches up against O-linemen is faulty. There is a lot of good (and some not so good) speculation in that thread that crowbar linked to. Still, as Kite mentioned, the 3-4 isn't designed to stop rushes up the middle. I'll give the Mavs credit for changing things up. Of course, it shouldn't have been 95% of the time, but I do believe that's more the sim's doing than it was their intention or expectation.

Also, they managed to (as willyf mentioned) complete two passes for big-play TD's. They also held the Hunters to less points than our team was able to. I think they at least partially earned that win, even if the way the sim unfolded was certainly unfair to the Hunters. I don't blame crowbar for being a bit pissed, either. I would be too, even if I didn't think they were trying to cheat - which I don't.

But alas, I see a grudge match in the works in a couple of days. That will be interesting to see!

We expected to run ... A LOT. We won't deny that. We set up to run because it is something you would have never seen before out of us (in the history of the Mav's). Nola, it was not the exact same AI in the scrimmage. We used the same base...but modified it quite a bit. That scrimmage was run heavy on the surface but lacked a real "commitment" to the run. We went out in this game with a Baltimore Ravens mind-set... run the ball and play defense.

I don't think we are giving too much away to say that we have a lot of down and distance (as well as game situation) rules. It's hard to tell what will/will not happen in a SIM. I've gone into games with an AI expecting a 60/40 run/pass ratio and end up 70/30 pass/run. Based on the exact same AI running in another game (not with the Mavs), we would have expected around a 50/25 rush/pass play call (total plays). With a heavy dose of Strong I (both passing and running). Some down and distance situations just never fired (i.e. 3rd and long), and the couple of deep passes kept us from getting behind early (which probably would have changed things). Additionally, the simple fact that we added a completely new set of 4th down logic resulted in several possessions that got extended (and ultimately ended up as points on the board); having the dual impact of keeping the opposing offense off of the field.

In short, we were just as surprised as anyone else to see the result as well as the overall ratio.


Originally posted by Kite188
the 3-4 has never been that successful at middle run stopping unless you got the right blitzing called

3-4 works to stop the blitz if you have a Big Snack (Casey Hampton)
Originally posted by willyf
Originally posted by MissingNola

Cat's out of the bag on a few things that happened in that game, so I won't feel too bad about talking about them here in the forum.

I looked at the Mav's last scrimmage game. They indeed went run-heavy in that scrim. Assuming that they installed the same AI for this game, I'd say they were just trying to vary their tactics and be competitive, not exploit a fault in the sim. In that scrimmage, multiple formations were used and the Stong I was not even the most frequent one. They did get trashed in that game and the team they played is closer to the Hunters in makeup than the Mavs. Unless they're flat-out lying about using that offense, I don't think they planned to exploit the sim in that game. Sneaking in weapons, maybe, but I don't get the impression that these guys are liars or poor-sports.

As to the game itself, rushing up the middle is over-powered this season. Or maybe how the D-line matches up against O-linemen is faulty. There is a lot of good (and some not so good) speculation in that thread that crowbar linked to. Still, as Kite mentioned, the 3-4 isn't designed to stop rushes up the middle. I'll give the Mavs credit for changing things up. Of course, it shouldn't have been 95% of the time, but I do believe that's more the sim's doing than it was their intention or expectation.

Also, they managed to (as willyf mentioned) complete two passes for big-play TD's. They also held the Hunters to less points than our team was able to. I think they at least partially earned that win, even if the way the sim unfolded was certainly unfair to the Hunters. I don't blame crowbar for being a bit pissed, either. I would be too, even if I didn't think they were trying to cheat - which I don't.

But alas, I see a grudge match in the works in a couple of days. That will be interesting to see!

We expected to run ... A LOT. We won't deny that. We set up to run because it is something you would have never seen before out of us (in the history of the Mav's). Nola, it was not the exact same AI in the scrimmage. We used the same base...but modified it quite a bit. That scrimmage was run heavy on the surface but lacked a real "commitment" to the run. We went out in this game with a Baltimore Ravens mind-set... run the ball and play defense.

I don't think we are giving too much away to say that we have a lot of down and distance (as well as game situation) rules. It's hard to tell what will/will not happen in a SIM. I've gone into games with an AI expecting a 60/40 run/pass ratio and end up 70/30 pass/run. Based on the exact same AI running in another game (not with the Mavs), we would have expected around a 50/25 rush/pass play call (total plays). With a heavy dose of Strong I (both passing and running). Some down and distance situations just never fired (i.e. 3rd and long), and the couple of deep passes kept us from getting behind early (which probably would have changed things). Additionally, the simple fact that we added a completely new set of 4th down logic resulted in several possessions that got extended (and ultimately ended up as points on the board); having the dual impact of keeping the opposing offense off of the field.

In short, we were just as surprised as anyone else to see the result as well as the overall ratio.


It is a good game plan imo. I too think their intentions were not meant to cheat or anything. They were doing what they thought would give them a chance or at least keep the game close. They were just trying to keep a high powered O off the field and also kill the clock by running the ball. It is just unfortunate that there is a glitch in the software that needs to be fixed.
ok for everybody the play break down looked like this. 64 plays that were strong I slam. 2 plays were shotgun 5 wide WR in, and the other 2 were shotgun 5 WR streak. The 3 of the 4 pass plays came after a false start making it a 1st and 15. The 4th one came within 2 minutes of the end of the half. That TD pass was a great play by Robert McKnight. He made a great catch and split 2 of my good DBs to score a TD.

With that being said, I regret my initial comments that I made. It was right after watching the game and it is very frustrating watching the same play over and over again with 2 10 minute second half drives. We had 8 total offensive possessions and scored on 6 of them. One we did not score on was to end the half so really 6 out of 7. I believe the Mavs when they said they didn't expect the AI to go quit that way.

I want to say I have full respect for the Mavs organization. They are a class act and should hold their heads up high for this win. We had a PM exchange that just about everything that was said in it was pretty much said here but I am not going to get into the exact words. I will say this about it Adamsfore sent the first one and he could have very easily told me were I could stick it, but he didn't. He is a class act and if we ever get into a situation were we are in different leagues and he needs a player, I wouldn't think twice about putting a player on his team. He is a great guy.

As NOLA noticed a rematch is coming soon for two reasons. 2 TD passes. I would like to see how we far against the Mavs passing at least 15 to 20 times a game. I think the Mavs did us a favor. After beating the Heads we were giving high fives in or forum and talking about 15-1 if we don't slip against Port Royal and Cardinal. The Mavs threw one by us and we are back on track.

Once again good job Mavs. I am sorry for raining on your parade of this major upset. Hold your head high.

Lastly this does and doesn't have to do with the power rankings not coming out for this time. I had time last night at work, but was still a little upset. I woke up not long ago and I am leaving in 10 minutes to go to my brother's engagement party and will be a late night. The rest of my time that I have tomorrow for doing it will be spent preparing for Port Royal.

Last edited Mar 21, 2009 15:28:15
Originally posted by crowbar832001
I am leaving in 10 minutes to go to my brother's engagement party and will be a late night.

Your ranking will be missed...BUT have fun tonight!!
-----The top 2------

#1 Royal Canadian Kilted Yaksmen----(11-1)--------(1)-----------------#9 USAORG Eagles
#2 Montreal Rulers------------------(11-1)-----(2)----------------------------#8 Cardinal Redbirds
#3 Yellowknife Eskimo Hunters---(10-2)-----(3---------------------------)#5 Port Royal Acadians

--------2nd level teams----------

#3 Yellowknife Eskimo Hunters-------------(10-2)-----(3)---------------#5 Port Royal Acadians
#4 Chilliwack Fighting Flapping Heads--(10-2)--------(4)-------------#13 Manitoba Direwolves

--------Bottom Playoff teams----------

#5 Port Royal Acadians------------(9-3)----(5)------------------------------#3 Yellowknife Eskimo Hunters
#6 Montreal Mutants---------(8-4)------(7)------------------------------------#14 Vancouver Northern Lights
#7 Hogwarts Wizards-----------(7-5)-----(6)

-----Battle for the 8th spot-------

#8 Cardinal Redbirds--------(7-5)--(8)-------------------------#2 Montreal Rulers
#9 USAORG Eagles--------------(6-6)------(9)-----------------#1 Royal Canadian Kilted Yaksmen

----------The playoffs seem to be out of reach-------------

#10 Medicine Hat Mavericks------(4-8)-----(12)
#11 Saskatoon Fighting Gamecocks--(4-8)---(11)
#12 New Colgne Bears--------(4-8)----(10)
#13 Manitoba Direwolves------------(3-9)-----(13)

------Headed down to BBB-----

#14 Vancouver Northern Lights----(1-11)-------(14)--------------------#6 Montreal Mutants
#15 RC Gladiators---------------(1-11)--------(15)
#16 Ottawa Jaguars------------(0-12)--------(16)
Originally posted by crowbar832001
ok for everybody the play break down looked like this. 64 plays that were strong I slam. 2 plays were shotgun 5 wide WR in, and the other 2 were shotgun 5 WR streak. The 3 of the 4 pass plays came after a false start making it a 1st and 15. The 4th one came within 2 minutes of the end of the half. That TD pass was a great play by Robert McKnight. He made a great catch and split 2 of my good DBs to score a TD.

With that being said, I regret my initial comments that I made. It was right after watching the game and it is very frustrating watching the same play over and over again with 2 10 minute second half drives. We had 8 total offensive possessions and scored on 6 of them. One we did not score on was to end the half so really 6 out of 7. I believe the Mavs when they said they didn't expect the AI to go quit that way.

I want to say I have full respect for the Mavs organization. They are a class act and should hold their heads up high for this win. We had a PM exchange that just about everything that was said in it was pretty much said here but I am not going to get into the exact words. I will say this about it Adamsfore sent the first one and he could have very easily told me were I could stick it, but he didn't. He is a class act and if we ever get into a situation were we are in different leagues and he needs a player, I wouldn't think twice about putting a player on his team. He is a great guy.

As NOLA noticed a rematch is coming soon for two reasons. 2 TD passes. I would like to see how we far against the Mavs passing at least 15 to 20 times a game. I think the Mavs did us a favor. After beating the Heads we were giving high fives in or forum and talking about 15-1 if we don't slip against Port Royal and Cardinal. The Mavs threw one by us and we are back on track.

Once again good job Mavs. I am sorry for raining on your parade of this major upset. Hold your head high.

Lastly this does and doesn't have to do with the power rankings not coming out for this time. I had time last night at work, but was still a little upset. I woke up not long ago and I am leaving in 10 minutes to go to my brother's engagement party and will be a late night. The rest of my time that I have tomorrow for doing it will be spent preparing for Port Royal.

see.. that's why we didn't pass ...

that 10 minute drive that we didn't punch in and then missed the 21 yard FG really hurt ...
and... so did this.. ouch.. how the hell did we NOT run here?

that's 10 points left on the field....

close but no cigar. nice game.

Last edited Mar 23, 2009 09:43:55
Last edited Mar 26, 2009 10:42:38
Originally posted by crowbar832001

awe.. come on. what did you say here that you edited out? I missed it!
I copy and paste from the rankings from the previous week and adjust them here because the reply box here is longer than the front. I didn't say anything I was just a dumb ass and it post here instead of starting a new thread.
Originally posted by crowbar832001
I copy and paste from the rankings from the previous week and adjust them here because the reply box here is longer than the front. I didn't say anything I was just a dumb ass and it post here instead of starting a new thread.

ahh.. gotcha.

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