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Forum > Canadian A Leagues > Canadian A #3 > Mavs feeling blue....
The Mavericks fall to the Redbirds in a good game.

Cardinal, Canada??? (cp)...After falling behind 34-0 in the first half , the Mavericks fought back , and made this one a game. Even though the final margin of deafeat was a huge 14 pts, the Mavs walk away from this one feeling like they accomplished something.

"We started off very slow, they pounded us like a fat kid in dodge ball" said defensive stalwart LB Justin Powell, "but coach teryu made some half time adjustments and we kinda hung in there in the second half"

Redbirds OC Libbie had this to say after the game.
"This is a game we couldn't afford to lose, after struggling so much on offense the first half of the season, I was on the verge of losing my job, so I decided to motivate the offensive players on the Redbirds Roster by taking the Flirting Squad from the Frightening Lightning to a little pep assembly we had, boy did it pay off"

" I feel like we coulda won this game, if we played 6 quarters", said standout WR Robert McKnight " I was starting to tire out those Cb's on the Redbirds,...BTW tell them not play with them so much and they may not be red all the time."

"Damn... Robert McKnight, what a guy, light a match under his ass and hes gone!" said CB Rod Babers "After being burnt countless times by him I had to be begging Coach Kite to put me... I wanted to stop him no matter what!" "Put me in coach, I can do this.. Is all I remember shouting to the coach in the 4th quarter."

On the other side of the field Hey MR. Rocket had his hands full with WR wind SS. "Wind SS is a maniac... first i saw him, then i didn't, then I was hauling ass trying to catch up to him."

The Mavs defensive player of the game had to be Ernie Mcrackin, with 12 tackles and two FF's.
"These MF'ers think their real funny,....let me tell you this, the next SOB who puts a "Phil" sticker on my back is gonna get their crack filled with my size 14's."

Owner Dan was beaming , after reading Crowbars latest installment of the power rankings, "the only thing that could lower my spirits right now, would be a trip to Montreal, now go away and stop staring at my chicken"

Next up for the Mavs , the Port Royal Acadians.
"God I hope this is a real freaking city, I'm gettin tired riding this damn bus nowhere" said DC willyF," I'm still wasted from my bachleor party, thank God Fozzy wasn't there."

Last edited Mar 18, 2009 08:54:00
Another great job.
I think that was the funniest one yet!
Loving it, keep at it adam!

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