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Forum > Oceania AA Leagues > Oceania AA #2 > Week 12: Games to Watch/Game of the Week
The way I did up the games, there wasn't really a game that fit the balanced game of the week bill, the way I wanted it, hence its absence this week

Games to Watch


Underrated Underdog Game of the Week

Vanuatu Reef Raiders @ Samoa Pirahna Monkeys

VRR has nothing going their way right now. If i had to guess, no one thinks they actually can win this game, well except for VRR. There are teams that know how good VRR can play in the clutch. VRR is a team of surprises and we've seen a few from them in the past, could they come up with one as the underdog in this game? We shall see. SPM has the #4 Defense in the league and currently is ranked #1 in Alpha, they have everything going for them and they'll be watching a few games this week very closely. But in this game, they're going to do what they've done all season, no doubt, keep it simple. Nothing flashy, everything simple, get the win, that's what they want. But just because they're expected to win, doesn't mean its a guarantee. They are not a team that is in their current situation because of letting down their guard so they cannot allow themselves to do so here.


Powerhouse Game of the of the Week

Florida Frenzy @ Perth Cyclones

There is 0 question as to who the powerhouse in this game is. Florida has the #2 offense and #2 Defense in the league and they have destroyed everyone they've played this season. Sadly but truly, the expectations are no different here. HOWEVER, that is not to say there aren't people in the league hoping Perth comes up with an upset. If there is a team that could do it, it's Perth, #9 Offense, #12 Defense, their backs are forcibly against a wall. But they've pulled some strong games out in the clutch already in this season, they can contend with almost anyone but can they contend with Florida? We're about to find out!


Middle of the Road Game of the Week

Easter Island Moai @ Hometown Locals

EIM has probably become the scariest Alpha team out there. No really, I mean it. They put up their dukes against WSR and came within 3 points of putting down someone who has a lot to prove and shutting all the 'is WSR for real?" talks down with a big upset. They really regained some focus in this game despite having lost I think. While the game was not the prettiest, there has to be some positive taken away from a 3 point game with the #2 ranked Alpha team. Hometown Locals are coming off a squash win against the Repo JAA. The Locals were expected to be 'high flyers' earlier in this season and just have not really lived up to that, but this is the chance for both of these teams to regain some dignity and really make a statement about their ability to compete and make the playoff push. This one should be a better than we might expect, don't be shocked if this one, goes into overtime.


Oceania AA2 Zeta 'Tostito Goal' Game of the Week

Rapid City Rebels @ Newcastle Ghosts

This game places the #2 Passing Defense against the #1 Passing Offense in the league. Rapid City has certainly impressed everyone this year and led by Joe Goodberry they are going to be looking to turn it up on offense to stay a 1 loss team and in that hunt for the #2 seed in Zeta, but they have a serious challenge ahead of them. Newcastle has played a FANTASTIC season if you really break it down, tough opponents a few stumbles and really lighting it up with their passing game. They have shown the ability to pull out games where they may be considered the underdog, but here, no one is considered the underdog because everyone knows how deadly both of these teams are. If you miss it, It's Your Loss!


Oceania AA2 Alpha 'Blitzorade' Game of the Week

West Canaan Coyotes @ Williamsport Soul Reavers

This game places the #4 Offense & #1 Defense in the league, against the #1 Offense & #3 Defense. WCC is known to be legit, not one person is questioning this team and they are expected to come in here and light it up on the scoreboard. They're coming off a powerful win over Bay City. In fact, it was so powerful, it may have everyone wondering if WSR can keep up. WSR put up a lack luster performance against EIM, and people may be started to wonder whether they're for real, WSR's own players may be starting to ask themselves that very question. Fact is, statistically, this game should be great, but its going to come down to which defense plays the best against two highly prolific offenses. WCC is definitely up to the challenge, but is WSR? If you Miss it, It is YOUR LOSS!!!
Originally posted by jackriley

Vanuatu Reef Raiders @ Samoa Pirahna Monkeys

VRR has nothing going their way right now. If i had to guess, no one thinks they actually can win this game, well except for VRR. There are teams that know how good VRR can play in the clutch. VRR is a team of surprises and we've seen a few from them in the past, could they come up with one as the underdog in this game? We shall see. SPM has the #4 Defense in the league and currently is ranked #1 in Alpha, they have everything going for them and they'll be watching a few games this week very closely. But in this game, they're going to do what they've done all season, no doubt, keep it simple. Nothing flashy, everything simple, get the win, that's what they want. But just because they're expected to win, doesn't mean its a guarantee. They are not a team that is in their current situation because of letting down their guard so they cannot allow themselves to do so here.

You are right about that. We should be undefeated.
Ardus Cadogan
Last season I warned the coaches and the team that while we had a statistical advantage over Newcastle, the Ghosts were an exceptional team and a threat to be taken very, very seriously. They plan their games and they plan them well. I expect nothing less this season. We're going to have a helluva game and I look forward to a fight for the ages.
Originally posted by Ardus Cadogan
Last season I warned the coaches and the team that while we had a statistical advantage over Newcastle, the Ghosts were an exceptional team and a threat to be taken very, very seriously. They plan their games and they plan them well. I expect nothing less this season. We're going to have a helluva game and I look forward to a fight for the ages.

Last seasons game was close, an overtime win for the Ghosts. It looks like Rapid City has improved a bit since then. I'm looking forward to the battle. I was hoping you guys would overlook us and start thinking about Sumatra. Good luck to Rapid City, It should be fun to watch.
The two Games of the Weeks for Alpha/Zeta are great matchups.. maybe the best all season
Originally posted by RyanCane26
The two Games of the Weeks for Alpha/Zeta are great matchups.. maybe the best all season

agreed, I won't talk about WSR too much I think people have noticed I try to be modest in that respect, but I think we'll play pretty tough, win or lose, against WCC. The Ghosts imo, are great team, no disrespect to the Rebels because they're great too, the reason i make emphasis on the Ghosts is cuz of their win/loss record. They would appear to be the underdog, but man, that team is just so good, and I should know they kicked our ass in a scrimmage in preseason. The Rebels have really impressed me tbh. I wasn't 100% sure which road they were going to take earlier in the season, whether it be winning or losing to the big teams if you will, because they had such a tough schedule, that isn't over yet. But man did they respond with fierce undying attitude. Yea I definitely agree this might be my favorite Zeta matchup of the season.
Last edited Mar 18, 2009 14:48:52

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