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Forum > Canadian A Leagues > Canadian A #3 > Mavs snatch defeat from the jaws of victory....
The Mavs fall to the Eagles in a tough loss.

Parts unknown (cp)...After a very long strange trip the Mavs arrived in USAORG to play the eagles this week. The Mavs , used to riding on the team bus, were actually flown to the Eagles home field in a US jet of some sort. (rumor has it Nancy Pelosi was pretty upset, the Mavs were allowed to use this jet. Apparantly her neice had a hair appointment in NYC, and she wanted our jet).

This was a very well played game on both sides, the final score was a 24-18 victory for the Eagles. Once again Mavs kicker Digital Daggers was the offensive star, going 4/4 on field goal attempts , including 3/3 over 40 yds. When congratulated on his performance DD had this to say "one of those FG shoulda been a TD, if some people could catch a perfectly thrown ball"

After Robert Mcknight was pulled off of DD, he was quoted as saying "I don't know why Willyf keeps lettin that guy kick the ball, I'm the superstar put it in my hands, at least I won't miss an extra point."

On the other side Eagles HB Lays for Less was Brilliant, rushing for 183 yds and 3 TD's. He however was unavailable for comment, as was the rest of the Eagles team.

The Mavericks inability to punch it in , in the red zone cost them dearly in this game. On a related note , owner Dan has scheduled a guest speaker for the team this week. Former President Bill Clinton will be on hand to rally the team, and teach them how to "get it into the promised land".

Standout LB willyf who came up with a big interception in this one said "this team played it's heart out today. I think we have shown certain people (crowbar) that we deserve to be in this league and won't be demoted to BBB, now leave me alone while I finish my chicken"

Next up for the Mavs an incredibly good Chilliwacks team, travels to Medicine Hat, once again rumors are swirling about tactics the Mavs may employ, more to come as this story develops.

Last edited Mar 13, 2009 15:03:05
Great read once again. It had me laughing and you guys do belong in this league and you belong in a league of your own.
Last edited Mar 13, 2009 14:56:28
the man of doom
Miracles happen
1 hell of a kicker imo
Originally posted by crowbar832001
Great read once again. It had me laughing and you guys do belong in this league and you belong in a league of your own.

Hi, Adamsfore.......My DE, Lucifer, would like to thank your OT Garion Tackler.-(yeah, I realize 6 lvls lower) Despite the totally awesome DE Nerf, the "Prince of Darkness" actually got a Sack in a game!

He was quoted as saying, "I feel colossal in my one play......It felt unbelievable to make the QB, blacker than the blackest black… times infinity!”
Insert Peyton Manning sound clip....

"Idiot Kicker"

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