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Forum > Canadian A Leagues > Canadian A #3 > Have fun buying wins/championships
Originally posted by Swiftus
The two are not the same. Plus, what you are saying appear to be lies to me.
2. You sold 3 of your players to teams within the conference and some to leagues that feed into ours. It wasn't done simply to make money as you could have easily found homes for those players on the open market.

Also, to fix something said earlier. What I meant by Depth is how deep you are on the bench. Finding new starters doesn't necessairly constitute fixing depth issue. It is just amazing how you can get 3 players levels 48,46,40 for 2500k and trade levels 33 and 31 for 1000k.

Essentially, the value of them trading out a level 32 player is 500k but can get a level 45 for 833k. Sounds again like someone selling players far below their worth.

Actually, for those three players, 2.5 million was almost max cash, very close to it. The 1 million offer just came to me, I didnt hunt it or anything. Seemed like a great opportunity to upgrade and get depth for 1.5 million total (in addition to the fact that those players i traded away are now starters, rather than riding my bench). See, I only had 1 FB and 1 C, now I have 2 of each. Thats depth. Does it bother you that they are higher level than my previous starters, instead of lower?

Just to clear anything up... I dont know anyone on the Knights, thru this game or IRL. There was no conspiracy here. I was scouting them for the up coming game against them, saw they were trading off a bunch of players, and looked up their trade page.

In fact, I dont know anyone irl who plays this game, and even getting 1 player on my team can be like pulling teeth. It is incredibly difficult to recruit decent players.

I took this team over completely gutted in AA, and you can imagine how well that went. Last season to go 8-8 was huge in my book, and having the roster I have now would have never happened without spending tons of cash and making trades.

I really dont care if you dont like how I make my team, I am sure its much easier when you have a group of people to pull players from/tons of your own high level players. I have only 1 player on my own team (as a backup), and the only people I know who tried this game never stuck with it.
Last edited Mar 9, 2009 12:55:10
Originally posted by slave1ilo
I have only 1 player on my own team, and the only people I know who tried this game never stuck with it.

What about all them level 2's!
Originally posted by Djevik
Originally posted by slave1ilo

I have only 1 player on my own team, and the only people I know who tried this game never stuck with it.

What about all them level 2's!

lol i forgot about my secret weapons
Slave, your problem is now the same as the Knights. You have a stadium that is woefully small for your level of players. You will suffer the same fate, slowly. How long is it before you do what the Knights did?

Assumptions made:
1. You have already sold out your season.
2. You haven't paid for new stadium sections.
3. Your equipment fund balance is negligible to affect your team's bottom line.

You team salary is 8.860 million per season. You still owe your players 5.981 million through the end of this season. Your current balance is 2.989 million. You have 5 home games remaining which will earn you about 3 million in concession sales.

This means that you will have a total of 5.989 million while owing 5.981 million to your players. This leaves you with nothing. No one will get equipment.

Because you did some serious damage to your team chemistry to sell players and buy them, you probably wont recover with enough time to score home playoff games through. Sure, you can try to steal a championship to do what the Marlins did. All that will happen is you ending up in AA with absolutely no way to survive/grow.

Again, there were assumptions made. Without having access to your books, there is no way to verify anything I said here.
Last edited Mar 9, 2009 13:26:36
Swift stop trying to help the enemies LOL
I appreciate the advice. And you are right, my players wont be getting as much in equipment upgrades as some of the richer teams will. That being said, I have already distributed over 4 million this season making sure as many players as possible get at least their level 32 stuff paid for, and I do not have a loan outstanding. I cut off the EQ funds recently as I realized I was at the point where I was close to not being able to pay salaries, at least without a loan.

I am not going to give up on my team, or throw any season just to save money for upgrades. If I do that, I will do it from the beginning of the season. I have a team full of players that trusted me with signing a contract, and they have all been treated well, even the ones that get traded. I will never let my players go thru a season where I dont do my best to recruit and give them a shot at some playoff games, just to save cash for expanding my stadium. I want wins, and I know they do too. I still have some contract offers out there, and will take that loan if I need to because I signed a player to make the Tundra stronger.

And hey our defense chemistry is still rock solid 100.
Last edited Mar 9, 2009 15:22:43

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