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Just reading over Bort's last post and endorsements sound interesting. Anyone have anymore details on this or a link with more details?
Bort's really got his head up his ass on this one. I waited for the endorsements like everyone else, figured maybe I'll get one or two or someone on the team will get one, they come out, at first I didn't think I had any, because I checked the wrong league, and I didn't mind. I was disappointed, but my first reaction wasn't to get rid of them because "WAH IT'S NOT FAIR"

Well turns out I have 4 on my players, and now Bort says they're gone because the commie socialists in this game are in an uproar?

His wishy-washy tendencies are undermining this game.
they were given to players with less fame and less stats than they should have. They will get re-doled out i think.
Originally posted by secondeye
Bort's really got his head up his ass on this one. I waited for the endorsements like everyone else, figured maybe I'll get one or two or someone on the team will get one, they come out, at first I didn't think I had any, because I checked the wrong league, and I didn't mind. I was disappointed, but my first reaction wasn't to get rid of them because "WAH IT'S NOT FAIR"

Well turns out I have 4 on my players, and now Bort says they're gone because the commie socialists in this game are in an uproar?

His wishy-washy tendencies are undermining this game.

Agreed. If he wants a clear-cut way to do the endorsements, only give them out to the award winners at each position. Hard to argue with any logic in that decision.
Ya there is some wierd things about GLB. Like how we are in a "beta stage" at 8 seasons in. How this endorsement crap gets more priority over the Dplay creator. I mean how many times have anyone ever paid to play the beta version of a game. It just doesn't make sense. He keeps adding new ways to make money too like the pee wee teams and the less tactic leagues. He makes posts about having to put in more servers for all of the people coming in. Eh w/e just angry about many things I still <3 my GLB though.

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