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Forum > Position Talk > O Line Club > Slowbuild C-guide
1.0 Introduction
Hey, this is my idea f how to perfectly build a Center in the this game, GoallineBlitz. I will try and explan as much as possible along the way, but still try and keep some sort of order. Each section will end with a short summary, so you can skip the wall of text and still get the basic idea of this plan.

1.1 The Roll
Dont ever settle for just any roll. The path to greatness is decided largely by your initial build. Now you can really go two path with a Center, either you go for a Blocking or a Strenght build. My suggestion is to go after a high Strength roll. Why do you ask? Due to training options. Blocking can be trained along with either Strenght or Agility. Strenght can, besides blocking, be trained along with Jumping, Carrying, Throwing, Kicking, Punting and Tackling. All these are skills that the C doesnt need. So by choosing a Blocking build, you will limit your training options. When choosing the Strenght build, you can train Agility and Blocking while you add points to Strenght.
The optimal roll for a Center would be 33 Strenght, but according to the highest roll of Strenght for a Center so far is 30. Some say that rolls have been tuned to not include such high nubmers anymore, though an agent I know just rolled 30 Blocking for his Center. So it is possible.
Now here is a quick guide for the optimal roll for a Center.
Originally posted by Kenshinzen

8: Speed, Jumping, Throwing, Catching, Carrying, Kicking, Punting
10: Confidence, Agility, Vision, Tackling, Stamina
43 pts to Strength, Blocking

The rule is, to get as near to 43 points in Strenght and Blocking, 41 and 42 are good rolls. But make sure, Strenght is the higheste of the two.
Ive knocked out several 40 rolls being 20/20 and a sole 26 Strenght.
A 40 roll could be 20/20 Str/blk. But a better 40 roll would be 23 Str / 17 Blk.

1.2 Spending Points, Training and Equipment
It may take some time to get a decent roll of high Strenght, so take your time. I wouldnt settle for anything under 24 in Strenght. Now after getting your initial build right, your next move is finding a Team for your Center. Sign a D-league team with one or none human Centers. I suggest you find a player picture on google or something and add to your player.
Go to your player page, and hit "Training" either at the top bar or "Training Points"'s link. Select "Normal Training", Secondary Activity "Go Shopping (+1 Shopping Token)", Select Regimen "Blocking Drills (+blocking)", hit "Train".
Next stay in the Training menu. Select "Intense Training", Secondary Activity is now grayed out, Select Regimen: "Pass Blocking Drills (+blocking, +agility), hit "Train".
To your right there is a list of your players Attributes, just under it, is a summary of your "Bonus Tokens" and "Shopping Tokens". You can use Bonus Tokens to either upgrade Advance Equipment or a +5 any skill one game Bonus. Shopping Tokens are used to buy Advance Equipment. Click the "1" next to "Shopping Tokens:". This will take you to the "Advanced Equipment Store (Money: $2,340.00)" menu. Near the buttom there is a "Refresh"-button. Click it and press "OK" to the pop-up "warning". On your screen you will see 3 different Advance Equipment pieces. Buy one you can afford. If there is a good piece like "Hold Block chance, 2%" or "+1 Strenght" or "+1 Blocking", buy it. This item will most likely be sold at some point near lvl 16. For the next 10 or so levels, you will train on Intense, training your Blocking and Agility. If you have any money left over, buy some Equipment from the Equipment menu, select the skill/stat to be "Stamina", not Strenght nor Blocking. This is to give your player more playing time and keeping off the CPU players off the field.
When Training and Equipment is taken care off, you now have two options concerning your SPs. Either you spend them or you do not.
1) Spending SPs
If you choose this route, add the 15 SPs into Strenght, which will bring your Strenght op to nearly 40 (24 + 15 = 39 fx.). Now the idea is to get your Strenght up to 48 as fast as possible, when +1 Strenght will cost 2 SPs. This is due to the Center's unique auto level bonus. As the only position in GLB, Centers recieve +1 in Strenght and Blocking when they reach a new level. So if your Strenght is 48, and your Center levels up, it is now 49 without you having to spend Skill Points. This will contiune untill level 21 where hte is a decrease in the amount added at each level up.
2) Not spending SPs
If you choose to save your SPs, look at your Training page, the "Approx. Normal Training Pcts" section will tell you that you will gain roughly +31% if training Strenght (when Strenght is at 24). Now one of the other Slow Build methods is to train an attribute untill teh return % is around 34%. So at this point, your gain from training something else is higher, and therefore you should still be training Blocking/Agility. For a Center, this is not one of the best way to go. You can wait to add points untill your Strenght + Save SPs = 48. But when you can reach 48, do so. As explained above, this will save you 1 SP each time you level up.

1.3 Building from level 1->?
After getting on a pee-wee or D-league team, you player will start to play games, gain daily XP and start to level up. This is where the fun begins! Now saying that you have a similar build to this:
It will take 24 SPs to reach 48 Strenght. This should be reach by level 3. At level 2, you will have 20 SPs and have recieved +1 into Strenght, bringing your total possible Strenght to 24 + 1 + 20 = 45. So at level 3, your total possbile Stenght would be 24 + 2 + 25 = 48 + 3 unspent SPs. Now this could bring your Strenght up to 49 (After 48 each +1 will cost 2 SPs) and leave you with 1 unspent SP. To reach the next cap at 60.51, you will need 24 SPs, 60 - 48 = 12 x 2 = 24. Now we subtract the 3 SPs you already have from reaching the 48 mark. So that makes 24 - 3 = 21. Lets assume that you didnt go to 49 but stayed at 48 Strenght saving 3 SPs. Here is a list of the delevopment of Strenght over the next few levels, how many SPs you have and what you could bring Strenght to if you spent the SPs.
Level 3 48 (3) 49
Level 4 49 (8) 53
Level 5 50 (13) 56
Level 6 51 (18) 60

So by lvl 6 you will have 60 Strenght. Now to reach the Hard-Cap at 68 (67.97), you will need another 24 SPs, 68 - 60 = 8 x 3 = 24. This time you will not have any SPs leftover. So here is a list of the next levels, how many SPs you have and what your Strenght could be if you spent the SPs.
Level 7 61 (5) 62
Level 8 62 (10) 65
Level 9 63 (15) 68

So at level 9 you will a have total of 68 Strenght and 0 SPs left. So for the next 12 levels , you will recieve +1 in your Strenght, making your base Strenght at level 21 = 68 + 12 = 80.
Now its time to adress Blocking. So far you have been training it together with Agility, and recieved the auto +1 level-up bonus for 8 levels. Now I'm not nearly good enough to do the math to find out just how high your Blocking would be. But with a base at 15, it would be 15 +8 = 23 + Training (lets say +6), making your blocking at 29. Now we repeat the first part of the building idea. Save SPs untill Skill + SPs = 48. So 48 - 29 = 19. 29 is still a low enough number to keep training Blocking/Agility, so while you save up SPs to get Blocking to 48 you still will get some progress through Training and the auto level up. To make this easy, lets say you switch to training Agility and Speed.
Here is the list with Blocking.
Level 9 29 (0) 29
Level 10 30 (5) 35
Level 11 31 (10) 41
Level 12 32 (15) 47
Level 13 33 (20) 50 + 1 SPs.

So at level 13, you will be able to soft-cap Blocking at 48, with 5 SPs left effectly making your Blocking 50 with 1 SP left. Again we save SPs. The List continues:
Level 13 48 (5) 50
Level 14 49 (10) 54
Level 15 50 (15) 57
Level 16 51 (20) 61

At level 16, you can cap Blocking at 61. Having 0 SPs left. No the idea is to get Blocking to 68 too. The List continues:
Level 16 61 (0) 61
Level 17 62 (5) 63
Level 18 63 (10) 66
Level 19 64 (15) 68

So at level 19, your Blocking will hit 68 and you will have 3 SPs left. At some point along the way your Training Return from Agility will be minium. Switch to either Speed/Stamina or Vision/Confidence.

So at level 21 your Strenght will be 80 and your Blocking will be 70. At this point, you will start spending points to get Agility to 60, then Speed to 60, then working on Vision and Confidence to 60. After this, its time to hit thoese SAs.

I will write more, when the mode strikes me.


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