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Originally posted by Billsman

This has what to do with the game?

Originally posted by Billsman

You should see the funny thread we have about you on the Range! haha Funny stuff!


Originally posted by Billsman

Then tell me fat ass, why you insist on returning to my site day after day? Why do you cry to everyone you can to get back on the forums? Why do you send me emails begging for me to let you back on? lmao Go away! We dont want you back, you bring nothing to the table except your appetite.

Originally posted by Billsman

I really cat blame you for taking the time to do the list, if my wife was as ugly as yours I wouldn't want to spend time with her either.

Originally posted by Billsman

This has what to do with the game?

Last edited Jan 30, 2009 22:15:40
Originally posted by BRG
Originally posted by Billsman

This has what to do with the game?

Originally posted by Billsman

You should see the funny thread we have about you on the Range! haha Funny stuff!


Originally posted by Billsman

Then tell me fat ass, why you insist on returning to my site day after day? Why do you cry to everyone you can to get back on the forums? Why do you send me emails begging for me to let you back on? lmao Go away! We dont want you back, you bring nothing to the table except your appetite.

Originally posted by Billsman

I really cat blame you for taking the time to do the list, if my wife was as ugly as yours I wouldn't want to spend time with her either.

Originally posted by Billsman

This has what to do with the game?

7) Do not post "quote pyramids." This means posting quotes of other quotes multiple times in order to try and stretch out the page.
Last edited Jan 30, 2009 22:16:31
Victory Jones
Originally posted by Billsman

7) Do not post "quote pyramids." This means posting quotes of other quotes multiple times in order to try and stretch out the page.

do you see the irony of telling others not to post quote pyramids while... you know...posting a quote pyramid of his non- quote-pyramid?

good god... its freakin hilarious watching you be this dumb.
Last edited Jan 30, 2009 22:20:33
Originally posted by Victory Jones
Originally posted by Billsman

7) Do not post "quote pyramids." This means posting quotes of other quotes multiple times in order to try and stretch out the page.

do you see the irony of telling others not to post quote pyramids while... you know...posting a quote pyramid of his non- quote-pyramid?

good god... its freakin hilarious watching you be this dumb.

Loving this.
Oh, hi there.

Give me a few minutes to figure this out...

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