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Forum > Canadian A Leagues > Canadian A #3 > Great Game YellowKnife ~
Definitely lived up to what I thought it would be.

Ask your kicker if he received his check & gift basket yet as we sent it out right after the game.

I'm shocked that we actually pulled it off.

Originally posted by BRG
I have this (bad) feeling that Yellowknife will be winning the match up today - They have a great team & are well coached - they've also flown under the radar most of the season...

Hopefully your predictions are right - but I am actually expecting an upset

You guys have a good team and did a great job. I thought we had it won as I did not check the score after the last TD we made and thought we were up by 8. Then you guys scored with less than a minute and I thought we were up by one. When we got the ball back with 50 seconds left and we were throwing passes and calling time outs I knew something was and finally checked the score to realize it was tied and we missed that last XP.

When you guys got the ball first in overtime I knew it was over. I bet we put a scare into you guys though when we went up 21-3

The better team won and good luck to you guys the rest of the way.
You need to get the firefox greasemonkey replay script.

watch the game unfold with a running score and so much more -

I love that thing - go to wiki, all the way down is the greasemonkey link - go to season 7 - click link - find replay script & install

Last edited Jan 30, 2009 11:26:34
Originally posted by BRG
You need to get the firefox greasemonkey replay script.

watch the game unfold with a running score and so much more -

I love that thing - go to wiki, all the way down is the greasemonkey link - go to season 7 - click link - find replay script & install

Oh I have it and that is what I watched it on..........I just didn't check the score after that TD of ours.....I just assumed
Originally posted by crowbar832001
Originally posted by BRG

You need to get the firefox greasemonkey replay script.

watch the game unfold with a running score and so much more -

I love that thing - go to wiki, all the way down is the greasemonkey link - go to season 7 - click link - find replay script & install

Oh I have it and that is what I watched it on..........I just didn't check the score after that TD of ours.....I just assumed

ahh - actually same exact thing happened to me come to think about it - Lol

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