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Forum > Position Talk > O Line Club > Lead block for an OT?
I have the option of buying a +3 Blocking +1 lead block shirt. My already has a +2 Blocking +1 lead block pair of gloves hes not wearing. Is 2 lead block worth the loss of 8 strength but increase of +5 (eventually more when I save enough bonus tokens) Blocking.

Currently stats are...
85 ST
36 SP
42 AG
40 STA
36 Vision
35 Con
65 Block

and 4 2 2 2 2
and 4 3 2 2 4 in the trees.

Level 32 OT.
Last edited Jan 26, 2009 11:48:51
Yep OT needs blocking anyway
I'd go for it
no. An OT will likely only lead block on screen plays.
Originally posted by Darren McFadden
no. An OT will likely only lead block on screen plays.

Not true, Bort has said anytime you are blocking in front of a runner it's considered a lead block, so until the ball carrier passes the player you're lead blocking and trust me it works quite well for a RG.

Here's what I posted in this thread so long ago.

Originally posted by tengu
Originally posted by TtD

+1 Lead Block SA-worthless as it only works on lead blocking, not general blocking?

I'd hardly call this worthless for RG. There's quite a few times where they are the lead block, think about a sweep. Better yet, from the fingers of Bort.

Originally posted by Bort

Most are just situation specific, so if your guy finds himself in the situation described by the SA that the natural position might find themselves in, he'll be able to use it.

Originally posted by Jose Bagg

What is a lead block? Can a pulling guard benefit from the lead block SA or must a lead block come from the back field?

Pulling guard counts as lead block. Any time a player is heading downfield with the RB following him, it's a lead block.

Last edited Jan 28, 2009 16:39:33
>Not true, Bort has said anytime you are blocking in front of a runner it's considered a lead block,

that's not what he said at all.

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